
Haftar and Israel: Shedding Light on That Alliance- Africom's Agenda

* Haftar and Israel: From animosity to allianceWell, I don’t know about the animosity? Considering Haftar's intelligence background and ties. As best as can be understood, the alliance looks solid. Cairo as the intermediary makes perfect sense. There is a previous report on this alliance from January of this year- Dedicated to all the mis/disinformants, in my opinion, around the web

Macron steps up as Merkel cowers. French jets buzz Turkish ships in East Med (Video)

Via Ekathimerini (…
During an EU teleconference of the European Union Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) on Friday, Greece and Germany disagreed on the content of the statement officials had planned to issue after the talks, according to diplomatic sources.

Greece, Egypt & France align against Turkish moves in East Med. (Video)

Via Ekathimerini (…
Greece’s prime minister warmly thanked France Thursday for boosting its military presence in the eastern Mediterranean, where Greek and Turkish warships are closely shadowing each other over a Turkish energy exploration bid in waters Athens claims as its own.