Malcolm X Hit 2022 on the Head

I have people worried that as white writers they will be hit with “cultural appropriation” if they write a novel with characters who are not of their own race. You know the deal — writing about barrios, or ghettos or even a mix of people in a big city, people outside the lily white background […]
The post Malcolm X Hit 2022 on the Head first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Exploitative System of Public University: A Delhi University Teacher Recounts his Tale

Several students of mine on Saturday came to meet me. Since I stay near JNU, we decided to go to the campus. For those who may not know, I am teaching a paper on political science at Moti Lal Nehru College, University of Delhi. Please do not think that I am a permanent teacher. Nor am I an ad-hoc teacher.[Read More...]

Academic Justice Through Citation Audit

 That academia which preaches justice is itself an unjust environment has been pointed out by some of the academia themselves (Kumar 2016, Guru 2002). The major complaint is that the marginalised do not get due recognition. I published a book in 2011 out of my PhD (Khora 2011). However, it has not been referred in academic writings in India in[Read More...]

Equity in Education after COVID-19 Pandemic

With the re-opening of schools, there is a need for pedagogic support for students belonging to the marginalized sections to help them acquire linguistic, numerical, and cognitive competencies. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the contradiction between instrumentalism and morality as educational aims has reached the state of a full-blown crisis. This has percolated in the educational institutions as they[Read More...]

Salt of the Earth and Foot Soldiers

Context of this Article This article didn’t just arise from nowhere. It is preceded by decades of my researching and writing about America’s “corpocracy,” or what I call the “Devil’s Marriage” between the superior power elite of corporate America, particularly throughout eleven sectors of organized endeavor, and the subordinate power elite of government America in […]
The post Salt of the Earth and Foot Soldiers first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Pascal Ory sur le convoi de la liberté, le radicalisme et le complotisme

Cette semaine, Rudy Reichstadt et David Medioni décryptent l'actualité du complotisme avec l'historien Pascal Ory, de l'Académie française, auteur de « De la haine du juif. Essai historique » (Bouquins, 2021). Au sommaire : Le mouvement « Convoi de la liberté » ; faut-il être imbécile pour être antisémite ? ; pourquoi parler de judéophobie plutôt que d'antisémitisme ? ; y a-t-il un lien entre l'antisémitisme et la crise de la démocratie ? ; la xénophobie s'origine-t-elle dans la souffrance plutôt que (...)


Elusive Transparency In Charter Schools

Even though they make up less than 7% of all schools in the U.S., every year hundreds of news articles highlight the persistent lack of transparency and accountability in the crisis-prone charter school sector. Even worse, everyone is under pressure to stand passively on the sidelines and watch as these outsourced privatized schools, which siphon […]
The post Elusive Transparency In Charter Schools first appeared on Dissident Voice.