Ed Markey

It’s Time to End America’s Shameful Role in ‘Worst Humanitarian Crisis on the Planet’

(COMMONDREAMS) — Anti-war groups on Friday are urging their supporters to pick up the phone to tell U.S. senators to back a joint resolution to “end America’s shameful role in Yemen.” Angry that your tax dollars are causing the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet? CALL your senators to support #SandersLeeYemen #SJRes54 today and end America’s role […]

China Is As Successful As A Trump Manipulator As It's Been As A Currency Manipulator

Today MSNBC's morning mental midget show celebrated Señor Tumpanzee discarding virtually the entire electoral platform he used to lure morons into voting for him-- and yes, I admit it; I do feel everyone and anyone who voted for Trump is a moron-- and if that makes you feel bad, I'm not sorry-- time to face the music and go back to school or get a tutor or something. And no, there are no exceptions. If you voted for Trump, you are a moron.

How Do You Feel About Trump-- Or Any President-- Being Able To Launch A Nuclear First Strike Without Congressional Approval?

Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) is worth following on Twitter... even if you don't live in his Los Angeles area district (which stretches from Agoura Hills and Malibu in the north, through Santa Monica, Westwood, Venice and Beverly Hills and down to El Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Torrance, Redondo Beach and Rancho Palos Verdes in the south). He often follows live events unfolding and comments on them with an incredible depth of knowledge and wisdom (and humor) in real time, something few members of Congress are willing to do.

There Have Been Great Men And Women In The U.S. Senate-- And Then There Have Been Mediocrities Like Roman Hruska

Fake Democrat and Real Democrat-- There's a BIG differenceAmong the best senators in the history of our country were Daniel Webster (Whig-MA), Robert LaFollette (R-WI), Robert Wagner (D-NY), LBJ (D-TX), Everett Dirksen (R-IL), Russ Feingold (D-WI), Claude Pepper (D-FL), Teddy Kennedy (D-MA), Paul Wellstone (D-MN), Eugene McCarthy (D-MN), Huey Long (D-LA), Margaret Chase Smith (R-ME), Thomas Hart Benton (D-MO), and Hubert Humphrey (D-MN).

JPMorgan Executives Caught Stealing Millions From California Electricity Users

If you watched the History Channel series, The Men Who Built America you may recall that JP Morgan backed Thomas Edison and made a bid to control the electric industry in America. The clip above is just an introduction and doesn't go into Morgan's ruthlessness. Today JP Morgan is an even more powerful Wall Street firm than the founder could have ever imagined-- and, once again, ruthless in its quest to make money from electricity.