Ed Kilgore

Is Getting Rid Of Trump Enough? How About Fundamental Change AND Getting Rid Of Trump?

The false narrative Biden lackeys-- like former Delaware governor Jack Markell, a shady conservative very much like Biden-- are working ceasely to create is that Democratic voters "know him. And they don't know just his name. If it were just name recognition, these polls may look different." That's false; as voters get to know Biden better, they flee to other candidates.

The Democratic Party And Working Class Voters-- Post NAFTA

How can Democrats not CRUSH someone who voters describe this way?The American Prospect published an excellent series of essays this week that should have been published by the DNC, DSCC and DCCC, three hopeless organizations refusing to pull their collective virtual heads out of their asses after a decade of letting down the American people while they concentrate of the mostly worthless careers of their o