
IMF Predicts China to Surge, Yet Again, Next Year

Eric Zuesse
The IMF now predicts that China next year will have the highest rate of economic growth since 2011, which was the last time when China’s GDP growth-rate exceeded 9% (at 9.6%). China’s growth-rate had averaged around 9% between 1978 and 2011, then slid to around 6.5%. If the IMF is correct, then 2021 will be the first time in a decade that the country’s GDP growth-rate is restored to its former long-time norm.

By Definition "The Establishment" Is Always A Force For Conservatism, Preserving The Status Quo

Increasingly loathed Democratic Party bosses like Schumer, Wasserman Schultz, Hoyer, Emanuel, Van Hollen, Israel can't understand why Bernie is doing so well. They want to stop him, of course, but, according the a report from Lauren French and John Bresnahan, they also want to emulate... something.

Tom Woods claims Bitcoin isn’t money, only to accept it for payment of his Liberty Classroom courses two weeks later

From the October 7, 2013 Economic Policy Journal article, Is Bitcoin Money: What Economists Have To Say, Tom Woods said: “Tom Woods: Bitcoin is a medium of exchange but not money. This isn’t an insult to or a value judgment about Bitcoin. Austrians sometimes describe money as the most widely accepted medium of exchange in […]