
Mongolia is Among Russia’s Key Partners in Asia

Russia and Mongolia are close neighbors, and their immediate geographic proximity has determined the mutual geopolitical pull of Russia and Mongolia, an objective contributing to political, military, trade and economics, cultural, and other bilateral ties. Russian-Mongolian relations, characterized by traditional good-neighborliness, are comprehensive, oriented to further development in the spirit of strategic partnership, based on […]

Growing Russia-India Cooperation Strengthens Global Stability

With its sanctions intrigues and the desire to demonstrate a servile adherence only to the United States, Europe is increasingly becoming a global strategic periphery. Asia, on the contrary, is moving forward in terms of the global significance of the events taking place there. Against this background, the strategies of Russia and India complement each […]

Russia not deliberately choking gas supplies to West – Bloomberg

RT | December 24, 2021 Russian energy giant Gazprom has already fulfilled its contractual obligations and is not manipulating European prices, Bloomberg has claimed. Recent slumps in Russian gas deliveries to Europe are not because of price manipulation for political gain, the New York based finance bible reported on Wednesday. Earlier this week, the Yamal-Europe […]

The US is Gaining a Foothold in Uzbekistan

By Valery Kulikov – New Eastern Outlook – 22.12.2021  To create sustainable groundwork for further expansion into Central Asia, Washington has recently placed particular emphasis on developing relations and cooperation with Uzbekistan. One of such work areas in this country has been the active opening of “American Corners” in Uzbekistan. It is a US government-supported global network […]

AUDIO: Misrepresenting Humanity on a Grand Scale

Vanessa Beeley sits down with researcher, economic reform activist, free speech advocate & soul singer Ian Jenkins, to discuss the worst of the impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the most vulnerable of society. Governments do not care about these marginalised communities and the measures imposed upon them do nothing to alleviate their suffering, rather it …

Belt and Road: How Laos Exemplifies Preconditions for Global Success

More than eight years ago, in September 2013, Chinese leader Xi Jinping announced the launch of China’s global transport initiative, One Belt One Road (OBOR). The project implies the unification of all major world transport routes into a single system and removing all economic and political barriers to the free circulation of goods through this […]

Will Fed Crash Global Financial Markets for Their Great Reset?

It’s looking increasingly likely that the US Federal Reserve and the globalist powers that be will use the dramatic rising of inflation as their excuse to bring down the US financial markets and with it, crash the greatest financial bubble in history. The enormous inflation rise since the malicious political lockdowns and the trillions of […]

The Real Climate And Health Crisis

Anti-fossil-fuel climate policies increase energy prices, blackouts and death tolls By Paul Driessen | Watts Up With That? | December 12, 2021 Climate policies promoted and imposed by Team Biden and Democrats are based on junk science, headline-grabbing scare stories, and computer models that create far-fetched “scenarios” asserting that fossil fuel use and emissions will […]