
The Great Reset: Do You Really Want To Go There?

Money Circus | February 9, 2021 Time to make an educated, perspicacious estimation of where this is heading. The following applies to most countries: The pretext (problem): Scientific data is being manipulated to drive public fear, out of all proportion to medical and health norms or recent hospital, infection or mortality rates. Mask and social […]

Russia’s Alternative to the Suez Canal is Getting More Reliable and Cost-effective

At the end of December, the Turkish authorities were forced to suspend maritime traffic through the Bosporus Strait for a day after the BARLAS, a 70-meter-long (230-foot-long) dry cargo vessel under the Panama flag ran aground after engine failure. The maritime traffic in this vital sea route was restored on December 29. This is the […]

Russia and Egypt Strive to Ensure Food Security in Africa

Despite modern agro-industrial technologies, the trend towards food shortages continues. This, in particular, is evidenced by the information published by the UN that up to 820 million people are starving in the world, which is about 10% of the world population.  There are more malnourished and hungry people around the world today than ever before, despite the […]

Unvaccinated Pilots Fighting for Medical Freedom

BY DANIEL NUCCIO | BROWNSTONE INSTITUTE | JANUARY 5, 2022 For many pilots who have chosen to remain unvaccinated for COVID-19, daily life has become a navigation of Catch-22s not seen since bombardiers were still stationed on Pianosa. Jason Kunisch, a commercial airline pilot with 20 years experience and co-founder of the US Freedom Flyers, ponders […]

Is this the end of progressive America?

BY JOEL KOTKIN | UNHERD | JANUARY 4, 2022 Over the past several decades, the progressive Left has successfully fulfilled Antonio Gramsci’s famed admonition of a “long march through the institutions”. In almost every Western country, its adherents now dominate the education system, media, cultural institutions, and financial behemoths. But what do they have to show for […]

Bring Back the Boycott: Say ‘No’ to Big Pharma, Big Banks and Totalitarian Control

The Defender | January 4, 2022 Nearly two years into the phenomenon labeled COVID-19, more and more people recognize that a global coup d’état is underway — a push by central bankers and technocrats for “totalitarian control of your transportation, your bank account, your movement, every aspect of your life,” said Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. […]

Political Coordination between Egypt and Russia Intensifies

Against the background of consistent strengthening by Egypt of its role in the Arab world and and in the international arena, further coordination of policy between Egypt and Russia continues with the development of bilateral cooperation in various fields. Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, held a meeting with colleagues from Egypt […]

The World is Turning to Nuclear Power amid the Raging Energy Crisis

The energy crisis is perhaps the worst since 1973, when the Arab countries imposed an oil embargo, protesting against Western support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Combined with a pandemic, new strains, and a lockdown relapse threat, it is a deadly blow to economies and industries worldwide. Bloomberg sounds the alarm: problems with […]

Turkey’s Economic Difficulties and the Fate of Erdogan

Turkey’s economy is in freefall: the lira is falling, inflation is rising, and food prices are spiraling. The government has resorted to disinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories to deflect blame from itself and shift it to others. But the lower living standards of the common people and the country’s future is unlikely to end the […]