Economic Warfare

Is Peace on the Korean Peninsula Achievable?

Unless “the fundamental economic question, viz., the question of the economic essence of imperialism … is studied, it will be impossible to understand and appraise modern war and modern politics.” – Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), 1917 March 15, 2020 By Stephen Gowans I wrote a book in 2018 book titled, Patriots, Traitors, and Empires: The … Continue reading Is Peace on the Korean Peninsula Achievable? →

The US ways of waging war, then and now

Seventy-five years ago Monday, the United States scorched, boiled and baked to death more people in Tokyo than went up in vapor at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the single greatest terrorist attack in history. Three quarters of a century later, Washington wages war in less dramatic ways, relying on sanctions—economic firebombings—that are carried out silently by … Continue reading The US ways of waging war, then and now →

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Paying the Price: The Killing of the Children of Iraq’ (2000)

Our weekly documentary film, curated by our team at 21WIRE.
This ground-breaking documentary by award-winning journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, investigates the effects of US-led international sanctions on the people of Iraq, depleted uranium contamination, and discovers that after ten years of extraordinary isolation imposed by the United Nations – and enforced by the US and Britain, have killed more people than the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Watch:

North Korean cyber-theft. If it’s really happening, it’s entirely defensible.

September 16, 2019
By Stephen Gowans
The US Treasury Department has accused North Korea of stealing “around $700 million in the last three years and” attempting “to steal nearly $2 billion” by means of cyber operations.
The accusation, by itself, is evidence of nothing. North Korea may have done this, or not.
Here are three reasons to doubt the Treasury Department’s allegation:

Venezuela and Iran in the Crosshairs of Murderers Inc.

Imagine just for a moment, the World would stand up in unison, sick and tired of the aggressive killer arrogance of the United States and her vassals – and their joint war-force called NATO – and this World, our World, what’s left of it when you deduct Washington and its Brussels allies, would at once block every shipment of everything destined for the ports of the United States of America; every sea port, airport and road port. Hermetically. Nothing would enter. Nothing, no food, no medicine, no electronics, no cars – no nothing. And nothing could leave.