Economic democracy

To Save our Planet We Must End Wage Slavery and Rebuild the Commons

Who runs your workplace?
For most of us the answer is a boss, who reports to a higher boss, who reports to an even higher boss, who reports to a … all the way up to the “owner” of the enterprise. This is called a chain of command.
The words “chain” and “command” are both suggestive of a fundamental truth: Today’s rules about the power of bosses and workers evolved from a time of masters, servants and slaves. While many norms and expectations have changed over the years the fundamental truth that bosses give orders and workers are required to obey remains the same.

Saving the Environment is too Important to Leave to Capitalists

What is working class culture?
This question arose as part of a conversation about convincing members of Canada’s newest union, Unifor, to make saving the planet from climate change a priority.
“You’ll run up against working class culture,” said a friend who considers himself an anarchist.
“What do you mean?” I responded.