
Empire or Republic: Imperial Wars and Domestic Epidemics

Washington escalates its military interventions abroad, launching simultaneous air and ground attacks in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan; multiplying drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia; training, arming, and financing proxy mercenaries in Jordan, the Gulf States, and Iraq; and dispatching National Guard battalions to West Africa, ostensibly to combat the Ebola epidemic, though they lack the most elementary public health capabilities. All in all the US spent $3.5 trillion for military invasions over 6 years.

It's when we Americans are put to the test that we show what we're really made of -- say howdy to ebola lawyers

Yes, the tireless David Sipress is still manning The New Yorker's "Daily Cartoon" beat. (You can click on today's offering to enlarge it.)by KenI know I'm taking a certain liberty in tacking David Sipress's New Yorker "Daily Cartoon" for today onto a post that's actually concerned with getting tough on ebola. But really, terrorism, ebola, it's all the same thing, isn't it?

The House Republican Extremists And Ebola

Tea Party extremist Frank Guinta voted to cut the Center for Disease Control budget-- and now he's whining about inadequate response to ebolaOn February 19, 2011 the Republican Party decided to cut funding for the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2011. Although Ron Paul didn't vote that day, only 3 Republicans recognized the folly of what the House Republicans were doing: John Campbell (R-CA), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Walter Jones (R-NC).

A Hazmat-Trained Hospital Worker Tells what No One Else is Telling About Ebola

Hazmat-trained hospital worker admits virus mutated, but claims average American has nothing to fear. Though the Hazmat-trained hospital worker, Abby Norman, admits that the virus has mutated, she claims that the average  American has nothing to worry about. Abby, who has made it her mission to educate the public about Ebola believes its all about safety precautions…

Ebola Vaccine, Petrodollar Plane Crash, Citizen’s Arrest

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: Ebola Vaccine Trials in West Africa Expected to Start in January
WHO Missed ‘The Disaster of Our Times,’ Say Aid Agencies
WHO claims Ebola vaccine won’t give you Ebola

“Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent”

There are still courageous scientists, doctors, journalists and publishers out there exposing the 30-year-old HIV/AIDS scam, and Patricia Goodson of Texas A&M University and the Frontiers peer-reviewed journal are the latest to aid in this regard. Check out her September 23, 2014 article, “Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent,” for a synopsis of […]

Ebola update

By Paul Craig Roberts | Press TV | October 11, 2014 A number of readers have read reports that the CIA was active in West Africa just prior to the Ebola outbreak, and some have read reports that the Ebola strain is a weaponized version engineered to spread by air and surface contact. Some readers […]