Eastern Asia

In Japan, Criticism of the Government Grows Over the Losses Caused by Sanctions against Russia

Against the background of the current Japanese government’s clearly ill-conceived policies, which are causing ever greater misery for its people, criticism of Fumio Kishida’s cabinet has increased markedly, with his rating dropping by a further 4.6 percentage points to 56.9% over the month. This is evidenced, in particular, by published data from a survey conducted […]

Crisis in South Korea’s Democratic Party

The outcome of South Korea’s local election that took place on June 1, 2022 could be described as an unmitigated disaster for the Democratic Party of Korea. Whereas 4 years ago it won 14 out of 17 metropolitan mayor and governor posts in direct-administered cities and even chipped away at the Conservatives’ territory, the party […]

Are We Approaching a Dangerous Line? Or a New World Order?

May and early June 2022 saw the development of an aggravation trend, continuing the course described in a previous article on this topic. On May 25, just one day after US President Joe Biden completed his Asian trip, North Korea fired three ballistic missiles. This was the 17th launch since the beginning of this year. All […]

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet visits PRC

In light of the current stage of the “Great Game,” which has already brought humanity to the brink of a nearly global catastrophe, what significance does the week-long trip (outwardly a purely “humanitarian” one) to China at the end of May by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet hold? As it turns out, […]

Results of Local Elections in South Korea

On June 1, South Korea held local polls and parliamentary by-elections to elect 17 city mayors and provincial governors, 226 lower-level heads of administrative divisions, and 779 provincial and metropolitan council seats, as well as seven parliamentary seats. The elections were extremely important not only for the Democrats, but also for the Conservatives, because they […]

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s Tour of Pacific Ocean Nations

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s ten-day tour of a number of countries in the Pacific Ocean, which began on May 26, has provoked considerable commotion in the camp of Beijing’s regional opponents. The words “led by the United States” would be logical, and generally speaking, corresponds to fundamental realities. Yet, when we look at the […]

Wang Yi’s Pacific Tour: China Takes Over

On May 26, 2022, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi began a landmark 10-day tour that included visits to seven independent countries in Oceania – the Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea, as well as East Timor. This development has greatly troubled the traditional players in the South Pacific – the […]

South Korean Mercenaries in Ukraine: the “Return of the Navy Seal”

On the morning of May 27, former ROK Navy special forces captain Lee Geun, who had taken part in hostilities on the Ukrainian side as part of a foreign volunteer battalion, returned to Seoul on a flight from Warsaw. The ROK police intend to investigate him for violating the authorities’ ban on travelling to Ukraine, […]

Washington’s Shifting Taiwan Policy Aims for an Asian “Ukraine”

The United States is openly talking about its arming of Taiwan no longer in general terms of ensuring “sufficient self-defense,” but rather specifically to “win against China,” thus confirming Beijing’s longstanding claims that Washington has been provoking conflict in what is China’s internal political affairs recognized as such by even the US and its official […]