Eastern Asia

On Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to South Korea

The New Eastern Outlook has already written about the Taiwan leg of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s tour, but we will talk about Pelosi’s reception in the Republic of Korea, where she headed straight afterwards. Coverage of the Taiwanese part of Pelosi’s visit in the North and South of the Korean Peninsula Pyongyang […]

Where is the Deterioration of Relations between China and Japan Leading?

In recent years, Japanese attitudes towards China have deteriorated amidst Tokyo’s policies, and the deterioration is directly related to China’s growing influence in the world. As a result, today, according to a public opinion poll, 86% of Japanese already have a generally poor view of their great neighbor. There are several reasons for the dislike […]

Sex and Violence in the South Korean Army – Investigations are Ongoing

It often happens that, after describing a loud scandal when it only flares up, the author abandons the topic, and the audience never finds out how it ended. Avoiding this, the author tries from time to time to look at the development of the sad stories he wrote about earlier – for example, about the […]

How China is Countering US Sanctions

For many years there has been a rivalry between two world superpowers, namely, the United States and China. In recent years, it has developed into an outright struggle, during which the parties use various political and economic instruments against each other. Usually, the sanctions imposed by Washington against its rivals attract the most attention of […]

Japan Publishes Yet Another Defense Whitepaper

On July 22 this year, the Japanese Ministry of Defense published a concise (English-language) version of the annual Defense White Paper update. The 500-plus page original usually appears later. However, the concise version already mentioned provides an indication of the innovations in the assessment of Japan’s political and military environment over the past year, as […]