East Timor
Cowards of Oz
Few care about their subjection to the Queen. But they're jumpy about the Asiatic hordes.
Blood on Our Hands
More than 200,000 people have been killed since Indonesia invaded East Timor in 1975. For decades, the British government was complicit in these killings. All that was supposed to change in May 1997. Instead, it's been business as usual. John Pilger reports on the sham of Labour's ethical foreign policy.
The West's 'dirty wink'
In 1975 Indonesia invaded East Timor. Like Saddam's attack on Kuwait, the occupation was declared by the UN to be illegal. But no action ever followed. In the last 18 years a third of the East Timorese population has been killed, while Western governments have remained silent, or, like Britain, have sold arms worth hundreds of millions to Indonesia...
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