
New Study Definitively Links Texas Earthquakes to Fracking and Drilling

Since 2012, scientists have suspected that the earthquakes plaguing Texas and Oklahoma are results of wastewater injections from fracking and conventional drilling. And while they were relatively certain that the 2012 4.8 earthquake that rocked Eastern Texas was as a result of this phenomenon, they were still searching for definitive proof.

If Fracking Causes Earthquakes And Politicians Take Bribes To Approve Fracking In Earthquake Zones.. What Then?

The map above is from National Geographic and it shows the likelihood of human-induced earthquakes for 2016. That's not a way of tracking a team of obese volleyball players. It's all about fracking. Anyone even tangentially involved with allowing fracking in California should be subject to the...

Experts Say Major Earthquake Will Slam Oklahoma

Oklahomans never would have guessed 10 years ago – even 5 years ago – that their state would soon lead the world in earthquakes, but that’s the situation they find themselves in today and experts are warning the “Big One” is coming.
More than 5,000 earthquakes have struck the state just this year. Whether Oklahomans are getting used to the shaking or not, they’ve been warned that the magnitude of the quakes will only grow in severity, and they could be even stronger than the 5.6 temblor that hit the state in 2011. [1]

Wigner, Fukushima, Tesla, and the Brains of a Gerbil

The United States government exploded 1,200 above ground nuclear and thermonuclear bomb test after WW II. Above ground tests were stopped by President Kennedy and the Nuclear Test Ban treaty. Strontium 90 replaces calcium in the human body. Its presence in the pelvis of a pregnant woman greatly increased the chances her baby would be born with a birth defect. So we ask ourselves why we did all of those tests?

19 Facts About American Earthquakes And The Iceland Volcanoes

1) Iceland has 130 volcanic mountains of which 89 have erupted since 900 A.D.
2) Katla volcano last erupted 96 years ago in 1918. It normally erupts every 13 to 95 years. Katla’s last major eruption was in 1918. It threw so much water from the glacier above it into the atmosphere that it flooded the trenches in Europe making the war difficult to wage for almost a week.

Rad Chick: Where’s the CORIUM? Chernobyl to Fukushima

I want to emphasize what I have said before: We are very close to an Extinction Level Event. We have nuclear power reactors very close to earthquake fault lines that are long over due for major eruptions. We could have 20 Fukushima size meltdowns. We have 2 nuclear power plants near fault lines in California and more than half a dozen in the area near the New Madrid fault line. In 1811-1812 America had 4 major quakes near New Madrid, Missouri. That area is long overdue. The southern California section of the San Andreas fault line has not erupted in over 300 years.