
Injecting Wastewater Underground Triggers Earthquakes Miles Away

Natural oil and gas companies insist that hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a safe process, but many scientists are arguing that the drilling practice causes earthquakes – which aren’t terribly safe. Now, a new study shows that injecting wastewater from fracking underground can trigger earthquakes miles away from the site. [1]

So What Happens To America After The California Earthquake?

Piers Corbyn says we are entering a Grand Solar Minimum in 2019 and this means we will have more earthquakes and volcanoes due to decreased solar activity allowing more cosmic radiation (i.e. nuclear particles) to bombard the earth.
Arizona has been making plans for receiving 400,000 Californians after an earthquake. Dream on. There are 18.8 million people in the Los Angeles area and 8.8 million in the San Francisco Bay Area. Southern California borders Mexico, Arizona and Nevada. Northern California borders Oregon and Nevada.

What Can You And Yours Expect In A Grand Solar Minimum

William Stanley Jevons, probably the world’s first mathematical economist, observed that crop yields declined when sunspots were fewer. That makes sense as the sun’s radiance is crucial for raising plants. Piers Corbyn, one of the world’s best weathermen, has been telling us we are entering a mini Ice Age or Grand Solar Minimum where for some reason the sun produces less solar radiance thus cooling ever so slightly our planet. The most famous cooling period in modern history was called the Maunder Minimum which occurred from 1645 to 1715.