Earth Day

Human Footprint Devastating Wildlife – An Article For Earth Day

Animals can be beautiful; they can be sleek, graceful, powerful, or just plain adorable, even cuddly.   A field of wild flowers chanced upon can take your breath away.  Wordsworth so moved by ‘a host of golden daffodils’ put pen to paper, and we are richer for his poem.  And tourists in their thousands visit coral reefs for their stunning beauty[Read More...]

A Climate for Change, Islam and the Environment

Earth Day arrived and passed with marginal coverage, awareness or acknowledgement this year.  To be fair, it was a heavy news cycle, the passing of music legend and icon Prince a day before, continuing primary election coverage and a host of other local concerns held sway.  Intended to create awareness of and for the environment, considering humanity’s centuries old assault, Earth Day is more relevant now then ever.

Think Tanks, NGOs & Foundations: Oligarchs Destroying Tradition-Jay on Sunday Wire

Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire invited me on the Sunday Wire to discuss the steering and planning committees of the global order, and in particular the Atlanticist establishment.  We cover the fake humanitarian agenda, organizational cover, how RAND shaped the new world, as well as the green/climate scam.  From there, we cover the 28 pages of the 9/11 report as a red herring distraction and how Trump and the political theatre is shaping up.  A killer interview you must hear!

Ban Earth Day

How many people wait with bated breath for Earth Day to arrive in April of each year? Who knows, but taking a wild guess, probably nobody. Earth Day kinda died out along with the fade-out of the counter-culture of the sixties and seventies. Today, they’re all grandparents and Earth Day has dissipated.
Earth Day was started to provide “support for environmental protection,” and as shall be described, Earth Day came onto the scene like the Big Bang, but ever since, it has been a fizzler, failing to impact, even slightly, the biggest environmental problem facing America, ever.