Earth Day

Climate is the new Covid

Kit Knightly Yesterday was Earth Day. The traditional day environmental hashtags temporarily trend across all social media sites. This year was no different, with the exception of the stronger than usual whiff of agenda. The narrative of the “deadly viral pandemic” is slowly losing momentum. Whether this is through the public having “post viral fatigue”(as …

Every Day Is An Earth Day: Suggestions for Living in an Ecozoic Future

Here are two lists of changes that can and should be made, restoring this Earth home more fully to a habitable, life-diversified, and evolving planet. Outward behaviors everyone can practice and contribute to: Reduce and eliminate uses of fossil fuels.  Support and participate in clean energy alternatives. Reduce and eliminate non-biodegradable plastics.  Support and participate in oceanic and fresh water[Read More...]

A Dark Earth Day

The ‘New Deal’ part of the Green New Deal is mostly good and necessary. But the ‘Green’ part has a big hole at its center: the lack of a direct mechanism to rapidly reduce the use of fossil fuels in the economy; therefore, it cannot guarantee their elimination on a crash deadline. It relies instead on an erroneous assumption that[Read More...]
The post A Dark Earth Day appeared first on Countercurrents.

Earth Day 2021

To care, Nurture and Cherish till Death do us part —   A day to celebrate the Fecundity Fertility and the Rites of the passage of Time.   Make the Earth Green again. In darkness bathed, Starlight speckles out a Welcome — to the distant Nebulae that stream across the skies   Celebrating the dimming of electric lights.   Today,[Read More...]
The post Earth Day 2021 appeared first on Countercurrents.

Two Degrees of Separation

Zoom Lockup! There’s this Zoom thing coming round the corner, once again — Earth Day 2021. The people on the Pacific Coast, Oregon, Central Coast with no industries, winds whipping up air vortices, and air as clean as what it might be in the middle of the ocean, and yet, we have the old white […]
The post Two Degrees of Separation first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Earth Day 50th Anniversary – and Invitation!

Earth Day’s 50th anniversary is April 22, 2020. There are many individual changes we can make to celebrate Earth Day, but we know that in addition to individual efforts, institutional changes are necessary. Right now, even during this time of COVID-19, we can make a strong institutional statement about the urgent need to protect the […]

 Call Me Vincent, Call Yourself Vincent

  “O bailan todos o no baile nadie.” — the Tupamaros The Universe is a poem without foreign words. My loved ones laugh at me when they hear I’ve been listening to John Denver. They’re sweet souls, but when they do that they’re doing — essentially — the same thing Hillary Clinton did when she invoked the image of “deploreables” on her[Read More...]

Generic Earth Day

  “Earth Day has become a very general celebration festooned with music, food and feeling good about being with others who are politically correct, acknowledging the importance of Mother Earth on the most abstract terms, specific foci for action being impotent in the face of our real authentic challenges.” — A teen attending the Flannery O’Connor Academy “The future of[Read More...]