early voting

As Everyone Knows, Trump-- Like The Mafia-- Is An Enemy Of Law And Order... But Why Did The Republican Party Go Down That Path With Him?

 The box on the right is the official one. The box on the left was put up by the Republican Party to steal your ballot and burn it. Be careful of Republicans; they hate democracy No one has been arrested in the Republican scheme to steal ballots and burn them by setting up phony drop-off boxes around California.

Americans Are Already Voting In Two Dozen States-- Many Have No Need To Hear Debates

  Tomorrow, early early voting ballots are mailed to people who requested them in Missouri. And on Thursday, they'll be mailed out in Illinois, Maryland, Mississippi and North Dakota. (On Thursday, Illinois voters can also vote in person.) Voters are already casting ballots in 23 states! Ballots have already been mailed out in North Carolina, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Minnesota, South Dakota, West Virginia, Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia and Wyoming.

Early Voting Numbers Continue To Astound

This is the first week of early voting in the city of Racine. Turn-out is not just higher than for the last midterm (2014), but higher than for the 2016 presidential election. District-wide, Democratic parts of Wisconsin's first district-- like Janesville and Kenosha as well as Racine-- are over 2016 levels, while Republican areas-- Waukesha, for example-- are lagging.

Why We Can't Have Nice Things

One of us, not one of them-- so Pelosi will try to destroy him without blinkingToday is the first day of early voting for Utah and Saturday is the start of early voting for the rest of the Florida counties that didn't start yesterday-- albeit not all that early. But most of the rest of the country is in the throes of it now-- at least in those states that allow it.