Dylan Ratigan

When Dylan Ratigan Said He Might Have Voted For Trump, Everyone's Jaw Dropped. When Richard Ojeda Said He Did Vote For Trump, He Won The Democratic Primary

Elisse Stefanik's North Country district (NY-21) is the biggest in New York State. Obama won it both times he ran but in 2016 it saw a big red swing. An even PVI is now R+4. Trump crushed Hillary 53.9% to 40.0%. And Stefanik was reelected in a landslide-- 65.3% to 30.2%.

MSNBC shock at Dylan Ratigan stating, “Saudi Arabia is funding terrorists!” (Video)

Jimmy Dore uses an archived MSNBC video with host Dylan Jason Ratigan, telling the panel that “Saudi Arabia is funding terrorists” and the United States funds Saudi Arabia, to confirm recent evidence at mainstream media corruption and propensity for reporting fake news, as their patrons (like Saudi Arabia) order them to do.
You can hear laughter ensue from the panel after Ratigan makes the statement about Saudi Arabia.
Dylan Ratigan was the former host of MSNBC’s The Dylan Ratigan Show

Who is more corrupt: Trump, Clinton or Obama? (Video)

While everyone on the liberal left and mainstream media is outraged at President Trump’s “corruption” and “collusion” narrative, they forget how corrupt Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were when they held government office.
Jimmy Dore notes that, “Hillary Clinton is corrupt to the hilt”…”Barack Obama is corrupt to the hilt.”
Dylan Ratigan, who exposes how corrupt Clinton and Obama were, used to work at MSNBC…he does not work there anymore. We wonder why?

What do you think?