Duncan Hunter

Two Long-shot House Races Worth Betting On

Nate and Ammar are running against 2 indicted crooksThe DCCC still refuses to back progressive Democrats Nate McMurry and Ammar Campa-Najjar despite the fact that both their opponents, extreme Trumpists Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter, have been indicted on multiple counts of fraud and related financial crimes. The DCCC claims the districts are too red for them to compete in.

Duncan Hunter Went Right For The Obvious Racist Smear-- The DCCC Is Far More Subtle About It

In its fulsome endorsement of Ammar Campa-Najjar last week, the San Diego Union Tribune emphasized the contrast between him and the indicted (60 counts) incumbent Drunken Hunter. They pointed out that Ammar "meets the test of being a credible candidate" and that "he is far superior to the troubled incumbent.

The Republican Culture Of Corruption Goes Way Beyond Just Trump And His Congressional Lackeys In Buffalo And San Diego

When Trump's first congressional endorser, Chris Collins (R-NY) was indicted on a long list of financial corruption charges, he was smart enough to announce the end of his reelection campaign. When Trump's second endorser, Drunken Hunter (R-CA) was indicted on a long list of financial corruption charges, he blamed everyone but himself and even lashed out at Paul Ryan for telling him to leave his committee positions, saying he never would.

Duncan Hunter-- Like Father Like Son

Drunkin' Hunter and DJ TrumpanzeeWhen I started DWT in 2004, one of my goals was to drive a bevy of super-corrupt Republican congressmen out of office-- Richard Pombo up north and 3 thieves from down south: Jerry Lewis, Duke Cunningham and Duncan Hunter, Pombo was defeated by Jerry McNerney, one of the first congressional candidates supported by Blue America.

Today's OTHER Republican Indictment-- Right Here In California

Duncan Hunter (on the left)I didn't want to let all today's wild hubbub over the two close Trump cronies-- ex-campaign manager and likely conduit between Trump and the Russians, Paul Manafort, and long-time Trump bagman, Michael Cohen-- to cause everyone to overlook the indictments of San Diego area congressman Duncan Hunter, Jr.

Another Slimy "Ex" Republican In California Caught Lying, Pretending To Be A Democrat

Fake Democrat Butner and actual Democrat Campa-NajjarUnder normal circumstances, no one would be looking at as red a district as CA-50 (inland San Diego County) as flippable-- even in a wave election cycle. The PVI is R+11. Obama lost it both times (59-40% and 60-38%) and Trump thumped Hillary 54.6% to 39.6%. But Duncan Hunter is about to be indicted for stealing campaign cash and a Democrat has a chance to beat him.

It's Hard To Imagine Duncan Hunter, Jr. Going Back To Congress In 2019

CA-50 is one of the last conservative Republican districts in California. Obama lost it both times-- badly-- and Trump beat Hillary 54.6% to 39.6%. The PVI is R+11. Duncan Hunter, Sr and Duncan Hunter, Jr-- two very crooked, self-entitled Republican assholes have held the district for 38 conservative years. Political education is very low and many people don't realize that Hunter I has been replaced by Hunter II.