
This is a serious question: Are right-wingers CAPABLE of telling the truth about anything?

Q: What's wrong with this picture?by KenThe answer to the question "What's wrong with this picture?": It's fake.At Right Wing Watch, Brian Tashman posted the above tweet (also posted to the tweeter's Facebook page) by "right wing 'intellectual' Dinesh D'Souza," along with the note that "D’Souza isn’t the only conservative to post the picture, despite the fact t

Dinesh D'Souza-- Prison Or Deportation? Or First Prison And Then Deportation?

To American right-wingers Dinesh D'Souza is a household name. Many normal people are vaguely aware that D'Souza is a right-wing operative who appears on right-wing owned and operated media to spread Republican Party propaganda. He's well-paid for his efforts and even made a movie he thought would win Romney the election, the little seen 2016: Obama's America, which was based on his 2010 book, The Roots of Obama's Rage.