Only 2 People Like The New Schumer Policy Attacking Progressive Candidates: Cory Gardner & Ben Ray Luján

Andrew Romanoff: "I signed the Fossil Fuel Money Pledge-- rejecting contributions from the oil, gas, and coal industry. Our campaign doesn't take any PAC money at all."No one liked Cheri Bustos' decision to blackball all consultants and vendors who work candidates running against incumbents. It has been a disaster for the DCCC which no longer has an executive director and saw it's entire executive level staffers either quit or be fired.

The Georgia Senate Seat Could Be In Play-- Or The DSCC Could Screw It Up With An "Ex"-Republican

Tomlinson (left) and Amico (right)Georgia still has a PVI that shows it being a red state-- R+5-- but it has been behaving more and more like a swing state lately. I've spoken with operatives working for Bernie, Biden, Kamala and Warren who feel like Georgia is in play for their campaigns.

Polls Show Generic Democrats Beating Generic Republicans In 2018 BUT... Will The DCCC And DSCC Recruit Candidates Foul Enough To Kill Hopes For A Blue Midterm?

Gil Cisneros, an "ex"-Republican lottery winner-- the kind of utterly worthless candidate the DCCC comes up with when left to their own devisesTom Wakely was the progressive Democratic opponent to Lamar Smith last cycle. Next year he's a candidate for governor of Texas.

Schumer Prepares To Throw Away A Chance To Beat Dean Heller in Nevada With Another Garbage Blue Dog

The biggest electoral battle progressives have coming up is to help the Democrats win back the House, something that would likely stymie Trump’s toxic and destructive agenda. Sometimes the DCCC makes that next to impossible, recruiting “ex”-Republican conservatives-- like Brad Ashford-- and their newest kick: anti-Choice Democrats or worthless slugs who fit some identity politics formula.

The Man Who Gave The House To The GOP Is Tasked With Basically Doing The Same For The Senate In 2018

I have to give credit to Schumer for firing the spectacularly failed DSCC chairman, his 2016 sock-puppet Jon Tester. I can't remember the DSCC ever doing worse in terms of money spent compared to contests lost. This should have been a cycle the Democrats won back the Senate and took at least 6 seats. Instead they won a measly two, New Hampshire and Illinois.