drug distributors

Drug Distributors Penalized For Turning Blind Eye In Opioid Epidemic

OxyContin pills are arranged for a photo at a pharmacy in Montpelier, Vt.
(REPORT) — As the toll of the opioid epidemic grows, scores of doctors have lost their licenses and some have gone to prison. Pharmacies are being sued and shuttered. Pharmaceutical manufacturers are under investigation and face new rules from regulators.
But penalties against companies that serve as middlemen between drug companies and pharmacies have been relatively scarce 2014 until recently.

Major Drug Distributors Flooded West Virginia with Millions of Pain Pills

One of the nation’s largest pharmaceutical drug wholesalers is under fire from West Virginia’s attorney general, Patrick Morrisey.
On Friday, Morrisey announced a lawsuit against San Francisco-based McKesson Corporation alleging the company violated state consumer protection laws and the Uniform Controlled Substances Act by flooding West Virginia with tens of millions of prescription pills.