
China’s New ‘Coronavirus’ Surveillance Grid: 24/7 Tracking, Big Data, Drones – A Permanent State

As the crisis matures in the West, many people, politicians and media continue to point to China as the gold standard now for ‘managing the pandemic.’ However, few in the West have stopped to consider whether China’s crisis management and authoritarian social control grid is really appropriate for democratic societies around the world.

Trump Envoy Issues Death Threat to Soleimani Successor, Head of Iran’s Quds Force

IMAGE: Trump’s Special Envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, back-to-back with hawkish Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Just when you thought Washington could not sink any lower in the international diplomacy game, the Trump White House compounds its previous misdeed by issuing a public death threat against the successor of assassinated Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani.

Drone Strikes Leave Innocent Widows and Orphans

The killing of Iranian General Soleimani was big news.  There were a few points made in the Western mainstream media about its legality being dubious, but nobody seems to be concerned that it contravened international law, in addition to be totally amoral.  One wonders if any of the drone operators, the little key-tapping techno-dweebs thousands of miles away, were awarded a medal for their gallantry in prodding buttons to blast human beings to shards of flesh and bone.

The Death of a General

The U.S. military-industrial-congressional triangle (MIC) is comprised of the Pentagon, the headquarters of the U.S. Armed Forces; industry, the corporations that sell goods and services to the Pentagon and allied governments; and U.S. Congress, which authorizes funding for the Pentagon to purchase industry’s goods and services. The MIC is insulated. It is entirely removed from the will of the U.S.