
Confidential to Dilbert's CEO: If anybody makes a fuss about your drones-to-terrorists deal, just say, "Who could have known?"

Or, if you need stronger stuff, we'vegot a new jeremiad from Chris Hedges(Plus Dilbert update -- see below)Here on the Pequod: Yes, that's Gregory Peck as Captain Ahab. Says Chris H: "We, like Ahab and his crew, rationalize our collective madness. All calls for prudence, for halting the march toward economic, political and environmental catastrophe, for sane limits on carbon emissions, are ignored or ridiculed. . .

US-NATO War Crimes against Libya

All the wars and attacks, which were started by the U.S. and its so-called allies in the wake of 9/11, have wreaked havoc. You name it, you got it: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and perhaps even Iran. The Islamic Republic is not yet off the hook. There are strong forces in the U.S. and in the Middle East that prefer war to peace at the expense of the U.S. Right now, there is a war going on in Libya against the Western installed puppet government, without notice of the corporate media.

The Thugs of Halftime

Three remarkable items in Thursday’s Charlottesville Daily Progress.  First, a football player explaining that when he proclaimed his superiority to his opponent after a game he was caught up in the game’s passion, and that the overblown reaction to his obnoxious comments seems racist. Indeed it does, but it seems to reflect another type of willful ignorance as well.

Six Witch-Hunts Inform The “Age of Scapegoating”

Ever reckon how future earthlings will sum up our whirling, unhinged, hyper-partisan dervish of an era?  Nix on “Golden Age,” though even worse times ahead will inflate this era with a nostalgic glow. Forget “Renaissance” as one-third of our country considers classical, liberal humanism the menace. Too much fundamentalist shaking goin’ on, let alone the onrushing Rapture. Even so, no “Age of Faith” either as church membership plummets and god-fearing fret over impious children.

Obama, Drones And The National Surveillance State-- Speech Mañana

Just over a week ago, we presented a post featuring JFK ruing the day he had ever decided to keep Allen Dulles as head of the CIA. NOt just that-- JFK was ruing the day he had ever gotten into business with the CIA at all. Incredibly incompetent and determined to run its own unaccountable proto-fascist foreign policy, the CIA, Kennedy came to realize, was the center of evil in American politics.

Cyberization-McDonaldsization-Walmartization-Amazonization Version 3.0

Cute, really, calling it, Surveillance Valley,  that abomination of elitist, mostly Zionist, and certainly white male-dominated reverse Darwinism IT bootcamp, where the most hostile sub-species exists to shred all human agency. These are Ivy League/Stanford/Georgia Tech types, very strange, indeed, humans who are possessed of the most puerile of spirit, the most usury, psychologically defective, narcissistic, Oedipal hearts on earth, and they just keep that lie going. Silicon Valley my ass!