
LIONEL PODCAST: The Most Thorough Analysis of the Orlando Massacre You’ll Ever Hear

That about sums up my feelings. I will not try and compete with your own disgust or claim that I’ve somehow tapped into a greater appreciation of the horror than you have. I’m not for pithy hashtags or filters. I don’t send thoughts and prayers out as I’ve never understood what that even mean. What I do is try and dissect the issues and apply a healthy dose of critical thinking to a horror that’s been coopted by every faction and ideological mob. the usual suspects.

Rabbi Michael Lerner at Muhammad Ali’s Funeral

Rabbi Michael Lerner gives us all a lesson in Speaking Truth to Power at Muhammad Ali’s funeral – much to the discomfort of front row audience member Bill Clinton. Touching on justice for Palestinians, a basic income, and challenging Hillary Clinton to reverse America’s murderous foreign policy, Lerner wasn’t ever going to just go after Trump, but spoke of universal […]
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LIONEL PODCAST: A Boorish and Logorrheic Trump vs. A Corrupt and Criminal Hillary

If you wanted a thoughtful and intelligent race, pick another one. This isn’t the one. This is about yelling and screaming and irrelevancies. Inapposite and inconsequential nonissues that mimic relevant considerations. Too much heavy lifting. Beyond our pay grade. Too deep and complicated. We’re done with it. We’re through. We like easy topics and stories and issues. Like Chewbacca Mom or the plight of elegant and majestic apes that we’ve penned and caged for our amusement that are gunned down while unattended kids enter prohibited regions. Pick northern election.

Hillary’s Foreign Policy Speech

Rachel Maddow, the famously progressive MSNBC show host, pronounced it “her greatest speech of the campaign.” Chris Matthews agreed, adding that it would “have a very strong appeal to the neocon movement.” He mentioned in particular Bill Kristol, the Weekly Standard editor and TV commentator, as someone likely to be impressed. “A very smart man,” opined Matthews, the conservative Democrat and “Hardball” host, causing the entire cosmos to shudder.

All It Takes is One “Sting like a Bee” Ali a Generation to Conquer “Floating Like a Butterfly” the Greatest Enemy of the Earth

They are young, high school, seniors, boys and girls, running hard, 8 am, along Salmon Creek, a place where I burn the body in a course of hard bicycling waiting for a bald eagle to baptize my day. Great blue herons, red-tailed hawks, egrets, meadowlarks, red winged black birds, and dozens of other species capturing the soul before facing off the empire.

Southern California Woman Steals Drone, then Lies About It, Exposed by Drone’s Camera

A Southern California woman who prides herself on her community involvement was caught on video trying to steal a man’s drone before lying to police in claiming that it nearly killed her.
Lisa Manfredi apparently thought she was doing her good deed for the day when she picked up a remote controlled quadcopter that had crash landed in Fairview Park in Costa Mesa, then tucked it underneath her shirt as she walked away.
She also thought she was much slicker than she actually proved to be.

America’s Corpocracy: Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Reality?

I was prompted to write this article when a twitter contact of mine wondered whether some of my writings about the corpocracy amounted to a conspiracy theory.  Having been a behavioral scientist most of my adult life I know a thing or two about what’s theory and what’s not.  I don’t know how anyone, scientist or lay person, could mistake the corpocracy for a theory. I doubt if any readers of articles published in the alternative news media would confuse the two. Nevertheless, I want to tell you what I have learned over the years.

Preparing for the Next Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend was replete with parades, American flags, and tributes to our war dead, but little reflection on war, particularly the tragic fact that the United States has fallen into the death trap that President Eisenhower warned us about: the military-industrial complex.
Instead of defending our nation as the Constitution stipulates, since the 9/11 attacks the U.S. military, CIA, and military contractors have been waging aggressive wars or interfering by proxy in other nations’ internal affairs.