
War to “Stop” War: Libya’s “Operation Odyssey Lightning”

Everyone seems to have a theory on how to obliterate ISIS, or ‘Daesh’. However, two points are rarely raised: one, concerning the origins of the group and the second, on whether there are genuine intentions to defeat it, in the first place.
We must boldly address the first to unravel the enigma behind the rise and growth of ‘Daesh’ – otherwise, how else can the group be dismantled.
We must contend with the second point before engaging in superfluous discussions about the most appropriate war strategy – that if war is, at all, the answer.

LIONEL PODCAST: How Jon Stewart Wannabes Destroyed Political Critical Thinking

Can you spot the difference? One of these is part of a trained circus act doubling as entertainment that some observers have even considered to be inhumane and exploitative in fact. The other is a seal. But be not mistaken, Jon Stewart is the king of timing. Had he attempted the Stewart bit now, it wouldn’t have taken off. And success is in great part due to his 300+ writers who gave us such gems as, “The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom.” Wow. Move over Mort Sahl. Leibowitz is in the room.

LIONEL PODCAST: Crowd Psychology and Media Distortion, Fabrication, Manufacture and Lie

How I see mainstream media news.
Believing ≠ Hoping. Look at what you believe you believe and what you know you know. You don’t. You wish and hope and trust. There’s a big difference, Sparky.
The lies your being handed are by design. “When distant and unfamiliar and complex things are communicated to great masses of people, the truth suffers a considerable and often a radical distortion. The complex is made over into the simple, the hypothetical into the dogmatic, and the relative into an absolute.” Thus spake Walter Lippmann.

Two Weddings and a Funeral Redux

“Anytime bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror” – Barack Obama A US presidential policy guidance document on drone strikes – often referred to as the ‘drone playbook’ – was last week made public in edited form in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union. Politico’s Josh Berstein […]
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LIONEL PODCAST: Putrid and Corrupt Hillary Media Sellouts and Clueless Children Who Vote With Their Arse

This approximates the problem. It’s much worse. It fails to take into account the role that the media play in softening up our collective psyche. Our beloved republic is witnessing a disintegration of the Left. The necessary counterbalance. A viable vision of direction. We’re unable to appreciate neoliberalism and statist perversions camouflaging as platform. No clue as to class warfare. We’re prisoners of an autocratic oligarchy. But don’t hurt our feelings or abrade our think skin. The SJWs will find you and you’ll taste their wrath.

The New York Times Outrage at Trump’s Refusal to Demonize Russia

After baseless allegations from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that the Russian government was behind a hack of the DNC’s emails, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump sarcastically quipped that he hoped Russia would find and release the deleted emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server from her time as secretary of state. The New York Times failed to note the sarcasm and treated the comments as evidence of high crimes against the state.

My Fellow Americans: We Are Fools

There is something I am going to try and explain here after watching the Democratic National Convention this evening that will invite the scorn of many of my friends. But the words are gagging my throat and my stomach is twisted and sick and I have to vomit this out. The anti-americanism in me is about to explode and land […]
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