
LIONEL PODCAST: The Hillary-Trump Media Sexcapades Sideshow and Psycho Circus

In 2014 as he was discussing the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, CNN rodeo clown Don Lemon, reported and reputed to be the stupidest human on television, discussed the chance of something “supernatural” happening and actually asked panelists about the possibility that a black hole was involved. I swear to Gawd.
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. — H. L. Mencken

LIONEL PODCAST: The Delusional Voter Turned Her Back on America

Incomprehensible horrors to the republic. Incalculable bellicosity and warmongering as a platform, scheduled and crafter and scripted by necocon think tanks. You will rue this day. You will not be able to reclaim that which you’ve squandered. Behold the media’s infantilism and “journalistic” autonepiophilia. But I digress . . . enjoy this aural selection and amuse-bouche.

LIONEL PODCAST: Wikileaks and the Destruction of the Media

Take a gander infra. Go ahead. This is monumentally amazing for even the mildly sentient. Why? Because the mainstream media have covered absolutely nothing of the matter. A worldwide story of indescribable import and it’s ignored altogether because the information contained therein is embarrassing to the Clinton regime.
“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans.”

LIONEL PODCAST: Lout vs. Liar — Debate II Waterloo

“Kenneth, what is the frequency?”
The Trump legacy in meme. Add this Trump trope metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. The #MAGA mayhem. All that counts and all that’s remembered. The holier-than-thou moral certitude of every two bit political hack wannabe spewing and spraying posts with their definitive word on Herr Drumpf. Mindlessly uncomplicated as to an event but too hard for the moral certitude experts to let go. God, I love this country. Hillary Clinton is your next POTUS. Not because of this, but because always bet on the Clintons.

Two Parties, One Machine

Realize that the system can’t exist without belief
Appreciate your true potential, un-twist your mouth and speak
We’re working on building a world our children can live in
Understand I can’t be free while you’re still in this prison
And I can spend my days preaching and so on and so forth
But it won’t change ’til we don’t wanna go on no more
— Sweatshop Union, “The Thing About It”

LIONEL PODCAST: The Fix Is In —Trump’s Throwing It

He’s throwing the election. You know it. And so do I. With an opponent as horrid and profoundly corrupt as Hillary Clinton with the steamer trunk baggage that she has, you mean to tell me Trump’s resorted to his petulant and juvenescent brand of fat shaming name-calling as a legitimate vehicle of campaigning? No, Sparky, he’s throwing the election. The fix is in.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Trap of the American Vote

This mesmerizes me. The perfect allegory and metaphor for the voting process. We’re lured by its promise as was this now very dead and bloated and decomposing New York Hell’s Kitchen rat. We’re hungry for not change but improvement and we’re being baited and tempted by an inviting promise. Look, someone has left food for me. Look, they are asking me for my opinion, my vote. They care about what I think and believe. I have a say; my input matters! This system invites for my input and my perception and my desires and worldview.