
Enough Is Enough: If You Really Want to Save Lives, Take Aim at Government Violence

It is often the case that police shootings, incidents where law enforcement officers pull the trigger on civilians, are left out of the conversation on gun violence. But a police officer shooting a civilian counts as gun violence. Every time an officer uses a gun against an innocent or an unarmed person contributes to the culture of gun violence in this country.
— Celisa Calacal, Journalist

Don’t Believe the Media Hype About Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Saudi Arabia’s 32-year-old Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, heir to the Saudi throne after eliminating his rivals, is on a two-week whirlwind visit to the United States starting March 19. He plans to cement his ties to the Trump administration, shore up support for his war in Yemen while whipping up more opposition to Iran, and make lucrative business deals.

Duterte Remains Defiant, Even as the US Gifts the Philippines $13 Million in Drones

(ANTIMEDIA) — Last Tuesday, the U.S. officially handed over the first new drones for the Philippines that were transferred through foreign military financing, according to the Diplomat. The Diplomat’s Prashanth Parameswaran explained that despite the problems President Rodrigo Duterte has posed for the U.S.-Philippines alliance, the drone transfer reinforced growing defense cooperation between the two countries. Whether or not Duterte has any say in this […]

‘Buy American’: Trump to Boost Exports of Lethal US Drones to ‘Create Jobs’

(ANTIWAR.COM) — With drone warfare a hot business in recent years, the US has kept a careful handle on who they allow to buy US-made lethal drones. Reports suggest that’s about to change, with President Trump set to ease the rules substantially, opening up sales to dozens of new customers. This isn’t just a scramble for growing arms […]

China Is Building a Fleet of Giant “Drones for the Sea”

(ANTIMEDIA) — China is in the process of building a fleet of giant drones for the sea, Forbes reports. According to Forbes, China is working on creating remote-controlled “ghosts ships” that would send containers around the world and even work for the Chinese navy. Right now, China ranks as the third-largest marine shipping company in the world, […]