drone strikes

Ban Killer Drones: International Campaign of Civil Disobedience Necessary (Part 2)

A large campaign of civil disobedience is necessary to abolish one of the U.S. military’s monstrous creations The headline of the Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan on November 30, 2012, page one above the fold with my photo, read “Terrell: American Drone Strikes Must Stop.” I was served well by this article explaining my opposition […]

Ban Killer Drones: International Grassroots Movement to Ban Weaponized Drones Launched (Part 1)

An international grassroots movement to ban weaponized drones and military and police surveillance, entitled Ban Killer Drones, has been launched. Go to www.bankillerdrones.org to see the teamwork results of this excellent resource on the United States’s not-so-secret assassinations around the world. A group of long-time anti-drone war organizers, including Nick Mottern, Brian Terrell and Chelsea […]

Why I Support an International Treaty to Ban Weaponized Drones and Drone Surveillance

At a time in my life when I barely knew drones existed, a young Lebanese mother mourning the death of her six-year-old daughter, Zainab, helped me understand how monitoring by drones terrified her and her neighbors. It was the summer of 2006, during a war referred to as the Israeli-Hezbollah war. On July 30th, around […]

Former CIA Director John Brennan Whitewashes History in Shameless Self-serving Memoir

During the Vietnam War era, peace activists compared American war planners like Robert S. McNamara and Henry Kissinger to Albert Speer, Hitler’s Minister of War Production and Armaments who stood out for his lack of ideological zeal in supporting the Nazi cause. What motivated Speer, rather, was a cold and calculating careerism which was combined […]

Journalists File Court Cases to Challenge Their Inclusion on a US Drone ‘Kill List’

(MEMO) — Two journalists have today filed federal court cases in the United States to challenge their inclusion on a classified US “Kill List”, Reprieve said in a statement. Bilal Abdul Kareem, an American citizen and journalist working in Syria, escaped being killed by drone strike on five occasions, including two strikes on cars he was travelling in. Two […]