
UFO / Alien Disclosure & “Crashed Physical Evidence” Plus UAP Clips – Jay Dyer

It’s back as we predicted – the pentagon is hyped up about aliens and UFOs and the recent claims of crashed craft, recycling the old Roswell myth. Area 51 and the underground base claims are also resurfacing, but what it is really behind alien disclosure? Is it a massive deception? Live at 4 PM CST […]

Syrie : SitRep 137 avec Ayssar Midani (1er février 2023)

Syrie : SitRep 137 avec Ayssar Midani (1er février 2023). Au programme : – Les tensions montent en Palestine, Blinken en tournée au Proche-Orient – Iran : Israël attaque des usines d’armement à Ispahan à l’aide de drones – Israël / USA : manœuvres militaires conjointes de grande ampleur dans le Golfe – Syrie : convoi alimentaire bombardé près de […]

Le drone sous-marin russe « Poséidon » se prépare à être testé

Source : Moscow Times
Traduit par l’équipe Les-Crises
La Russie prévoit de tester à l’automne son appareil nucléaire sans pilote « Poséidon » dans ses eaux arctiques, un an après qu’un accident mortel de missile à propulsion nucléaire ait fait la Une des journaux internationaux en provoquant un pic de radiation dans une ville voisine.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 197 Qanon Silent but Deadly with Robbie Martin part 1

This week Robbie Martin joined me for the first installment in our new monthly series which looks at the Qanon conspiracy theory and its impact on society at large. We started by discussing the fact that Q has not posted anything since August 1st (due to the 8chan’s removal). Robbie talked about how the Qanon […]

Tulsi Gabbard shoots straight on the Middle East – like a soldier should

Most of the Democrat “leaders” and presidential candidates on offer of late are useful for little more than comedy television, if one considers hyper-political snipery (all done with proper parliamentary procedures) as comedy. It may be so, but we often find that some antacids are probably necessary after watching Jerrold Nadler’s Incredibly Contrived Compleat Impeachment Fairy Tale. And, yes, my sarcasm is showing. But Tulsi Gabbard is a completely different story.

Drone américain abattu par l’Iran : entretien avec Michel Raimbaud

Le 13 juin dernier, la défense iranienne a abattu un drone américain, près du détroit d’Ormuz, où transite 1/3 du pétrole mondial. Suite à cela, Donald Trump a annoncé avoir annulé à la dernière minute des frappes en représailles, ce qui auraient causé, selon lui, la mort de 150 personnes.

The Ochelli Effect – Diagnosis Fundamental Comprehension Dysphoria

Download episode From Ochelli.com Booms, Busts, Bears, Bulls, Babbling Blowback. Gold Rush Provocation Theater? Mike Swanson started off Tuesday’s Ochelli Effect with a discussion on markets and trends in current circumstances. Chuck answers with his idea about the Baseball Card market in the past. Are all casinos created equal? Is gold and silver the best […]

Why did Trump defy warmongers, and decide not to attack Iran? (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine the reasons, and the many theories being debated, as to why US President Trump decided on a more measured and cautious response to the downing of an American Drone by Iran.
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How the US Isolated Itself on Iran, and Trump’s Pullback

Submitted by Steve Brown…
It was the duplicity of the former United States that caused it to withdraw from the JCPOA agreement — not any violation of that agreement by Iran. And it is the United States that provoked Iran to the verge of war.  It is the United States Treasury too, that presses crippling economic sanctions on Iran – not the other way around.