Colorado Republicans Are Wondering Who They Actually Nominated To Run For The Senate

Only 11 Republicans voted against the draconian anti-DREAMers bill that passed Friday night night, mostly Republicans in vulnerable seats with large Latino constituencies like Jeff Denham (R-CA), David Valadao (R-CA), and Joe Heck (R-NV). But one name that stood out on the list of 11 who wouldn't back the Ted Cruz/Steve King anti-Hispanic caucus bill was Colorado extreme right-winger Cory Gardner.

5 Blue Dogs Join Every Single Republican To Vote To Deport DREAMers

Who said the Republicans don't want to pass immigration legislation? Emboldened by their big win in FL-13 yesterday, every single Republican (+ 5 scummy Blue Dogs who really are Republicans in all but name) voted against the DREAMers… and against anything else Obama could try to do to solve the immigration problem.