Dr Oz

AMA to Gag Doctors Practicing Alternative Medicine

The American Medical Association certainly doesn’t want you to seek ‘alternative’ treatments or therapies for disease, since this would put a dent in pharmaceutical drug sales. In order to shore up their monopoly on your health more completely, they are calling many MDs ‘quacks,’ suppressing natural alternatives and gagging doctors with stiff penalties.

Dr. Oz Slams Glyphosate, Monsanto, and Regulators Allowing its Release

To honor April 7th as World Health Day, Dr. Oz covered the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent classification of the herbicide glyphosate as a possible carcinogen. As his record shows in the past, Dr. Oz is known to flip-flop and ride the fence of hot button health tops. Often times he ends up on the wrong side of right, yet for this episode, Dr. Oz gave the public a fair and accurate portrayal of Monsanto’s flagship carcinogenic product, glyphosate.