
Dr. Fauci taken to task as COVID-19 narrative swings wildly – again [Video]

Anybody who has been following the story about the coronavirus pandemic is hopefully aware of the constantly changing double, triple, quadruple and n-speak that the “experts” give us concerning the need for social distancing, wearing masks, not touching each other, and in America, especially about not being together in “non essential” places like… church. All of this has been more or less led and spurred on by one Dr.

The EyeOpener Report- We Tortured Some Folks

Obama Says the “T” Word
Language is the great tool of the tyrants. It always has been, and always will be. Patriots are expected to abide by a PATRIOT Act that destroys their Bill of Rights, support “surgical strikes” against “enemy combatants” by the Department of “Defense,” and cheer the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to those who wage war.
Find out more about the doublespeak that underpins our political unreality on this week’s edition of The Eyeopener Report with James Corbett.