
“Blaming Russia” will provide necessary off ramp for America’s year long madness

From collusion to obstruction, to the latest talking point (which will provide a final off-ramp for Democrats, Republicans, Trump, the FBI, and the Deep State)…“Russia sowing discord in America’s democracy.”
How will the Trump White House reconcile with the Deep State? How will Democrats reconcile with Republicans? How will the FBI reconcile with Trump? How will Fox New reconcile with MSNBC? How will Mueller’s very embarrassing and wasteful investigation gain legitimacy?

Tucker: “You have to be a moron” to believe Steele dossier (Video)

What kind of a moron would believe the Steele dossier on Trump and Russia? Lots of Democrat and hollywood elite morons…and lots of morons at MSNBC and CNN.
It’s so transparently partisan, outrageous and full of fictitious claims, the dossier reads like a parody of a badly written spy novel.
Amazingly, the dossier is what the FBI used to justify spying on American citizens.

The Finale Is Upon Us: Russia-Gate Implodes

The finale is upon us: the Russia-gate fraud is about to be exploded, at long last. Although the vaunted memo – and the underlying intelligence – compiled by the leadership of the House Intelligence Committee under chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) has yet to be released, there has been enough chatter by those House members who have read it to give us the basic elements of what it contains. Although prepare to be shocked by what I consider to be the most outrageous aspect of this affair.

Why Did Trey Gowdy Omit Peter Strzok From List of FBI Officials He Wants to ​Question?

Gowdy omitted FBI agent Peter Strzok, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, and his Fusion GPS-linked wife, Nellie, from the list of people to be grilled about the origin of the accusations of Trump collusion with Russia. This has raised questions about whether Gowdy is inept or if he is yet another political mole merely pretending to drain the swamp​. [...]