Donna Edwards

Trump Can't Talk Policy So He Discusses His Deformed Penis With The Washington Post

Months ago we wrote about an analysis of Trump's vocabulary shows that he's speaking at a 4th grade level-- which, I'm afraid to say-- helps explain the affinity of many of his fans and the emotionally childish reactions they express at his rallies. But it isn't only the vocabulary that aims low. The substance of his speeches-- stand-up routine is a better description-- are perfectly suited to the 4th grade vocabulary.

America-- Not Just The GOP-- Is Having A Moment-- Confronting Fascism

Herr Trumpf isn't just saying "Geh von meinem Rasen" (get off my lawn). He's trying a very real political revolution of his own... a fascist revolution based of fear-based violence. Please watch Rachel Maddow's clip above; I never use the words "must see" but I am today. I've been taking Trump as a laughing matter. I'm not any more. I'm not going to call him Herr Trumpf any longer on this blog. He's Trump. Joke is over. No more, "ha, ha, ha... look what the stupid Republicans have done to their pathetic party.

House Republicans And NRA-Dems Once Again Reject A Call To STUDY Gun Violence

Yesterday the House passed Lamar Smith's Scientific Research in the National Interest Act (H.R. 3293) 236-178, all but 7 Democrats voting NO and all but 4 Republicans voted YES. Donna Edwards wrote an amendment that was meant to allow scientific research about the national epidemic of gun violence and it was brought to the floor as the Democrats' Motion to Recommit.

Elijah Cummings Will Not Be Running For Senate In Maryland

In the last couple of days Republicans Reid Ribble or Wisconsin and Stephen Fincher of Tennessee have announced they won't be running for reelection. No loss-- in either case-- although, the corrupt, incompetent, basically moribund DCCC has no candidates in either district. For more interesting was an announcement from a far more accomplished congressman, Elijah Cummings (D-MD), filed to run again which is a big deal because it was thought he might run for the U.S.

Big Coal Has Something For Folks In Mining Areas, Courtesy Of The GOP: Toxic Drinking Water

Tuesday, in all the hubbub over the State of the Union, the House sat down to pass another piece of toxic legislation-- literally toxic legislation-- while no one was looking. They passed H.R. 1644, a bill to block the Department of Interior’s proposed Stream Protection Rule that aims to better protect mining communities from the harmful impacts of coal mining pollution.

2016-- Same Ole Dysfunctional GOP... Wasting Time Nurturing Their Same Petty Grievances

Yesterday Ryan passed his silly defund Planned Parenthood/repeal Obamacare bill and tried to make a big fuss with a seething right-wing base who already knows he sold them down the river. Not just Ryan, the whole GOP caucus was in on the charade. It passed 240-181 and there were only 3 Republicans present who didn't vote for it.