Donald Trump

New York Hanukkah Stabbing Latest in Wave of Trump-Era Anti-Semitic Attacks

The latest in a spate of Trump-administration era anti-Semitic attacks saw five people stabbed at a Hanukkah celebration in Monsey, New York Saturday. Over 100 people were gathered in a rabbi’s house to mark the Jewish festival of lights when an armed and masked assailant burst in to attack at around 10 p.m. He was fought off by those inside and fled the scene. Two victims remain critically injured.

‘Because You’d Be in Jail!’ The Real Reason Democrats Are Pushing Trump Impeachment?

In the time-honored tradition of Machiavellian statecraft, all of the charges being leveled against Donald Trump to remove him from office – namely, ‘abuse of power’ and ‘obstruction of congress’ –are essentially the same things the Democratic Party has been guilty of for nearly half a decade: abusing their powers in a non-stop attack on the executive branch. Is the reason because they desperately need a ‘get out of jail free’ card?

Impeachment Is a Distraction: Heavily Scripted Vote Demonstrates That Democracy Really Is Dead

Watching the impeachment “vote” was hard work. With only a few exceptions, each Congressman rose for roughly 90 seconds and provided a prearranged, almost completely scripted-along-party-lines explanation of how he or she was casting one’s ballot. After four grueling hours of hearing self-serving lies like “no one is above the law,” I was hoping that one of them would either fall off the podium and fracture a leg or actually go mad and break out into a song and dance routine. The entire performance was the strongest possible argument for term limits that is possible to make.

The Truth About The Deep State

The repeated and ongoing attempts to take down Donald Trump have led to claims that he is a victim of something called the Deep State. There are two extreme positions regarding this narrative. The first is that Trump is indeed the victim of a massive conspiracy. The second is that this conspiracy is so massive that the only place it can exist is in the mind’s of “conspiracy theorists” and that any and all attempts to overthrow Trump are justified.

Impeachment Derangement: Or How I Learned to Stop Hating and Love Trump

I’m not an Evangelical Christian, lover of Israel, or someone who wants to ban Muslims from entering America. Would never put a kid in a cage or a dog in a box.
I’m not a wounded warrior, won’t allow guns or flag waving in my house, don’t voluntarily stand for the Anthem.
Don’t ride a Harley or make menacing faces. IMHO, leather vests, blue jeans and jack boots make for a silly ensemble on aging white nationalists.

Donald Trump: Peace Candidate, Presidential Warmonger

Walter E. BLOCK
Mr. Trump ran in 2016 almost on a peace platform in terms of foreign policy. He said things such as this:
“I share the American people’s frustration… I also share their frustration over a foreign policy that has spent too much time, energy, money — and, most importantly, lives — trying to rebuild countries in our own image instead of pursuing our security interests above all other considerations.”