Donald Trump

From the ‘Groyper Wars’ to ‘America First’: Nick Fuentes becomes a ‘somebody’

Self-described Christian reactionary livestreamer Nick Fuentes led his “Groyper Army” into a war against the conservative movement’s most prominent figures, including TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk and podcaster Ben Shapiro. Fuentes blasted conservative rivals as too pro-gay, pro-immigrant, and pro-Israel to champion the ideals of “America First.” Between 2020 and 2023, he hosted a rival “America First” conference (AFPAC) to compete with the annual CPAC confab of the conservative establishment. AFPAC’s main achievement has been engulfing MAGA-aligned politicians in controversy. In 2022, […]

Trump against empire: is that why they hate him?

Trump was ideologically incoherent and crassly transactional. But the threat he posed to American empire and thus the gargantuan security state helps establish a motive for why US intelligence intervened in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. As president, Donald Trump lavished the rich with tax cuts and deregulation. Yet, contradictorily, he also threatened the structure of American global hegemony that does so much to keep the American one percent tremendously wealthy. In fact, Trump undertook the most momentous rollback […]

Is Nick Fuentes the future of America First, or its kiss of death?

Self-described Christian reactionary Nick Fuentes built his youthful following by claiming the title of “The Most Canceled Man in America.” Now, he’s consciously weaponizing it to undermine the America First movement. In part one of this three part investigative series, we sort the fact from fiction in Fuentes’ tale of persecution.  Far-right agitator livestreamer Nick Fuentes has urged his followers to “rape, kill, and die” for him, while demanding Jews “get the fuck out of America” and vowing to “piss […]

My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?

You’ve stood by me through everything. You didn’t flinch when I grabbed them by the pussy. When I revealed that Obama was born in an African shithole country, you nodded approvingly. When I pointed out that rapists, child-molesters, and drug smugglers were sneaking into Texas, you had my back. When I told my people to […]
The post My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Arrest Warrant For Trump That CNN Will Never Mention

In Western liberal media, just about every report that surfaces pointing to former US President Donald Trump’s malignant behavior receives endless coverage. However, when Trump’s arrest warrant is highlighted by Iraq’s judicial chief, such coverage is nowhere to be seen. Former US President Donald Trump, despite having been absent from office since 2020, is still Read More...

IRS Winks at $50 Billion Tax Giveaway to the Rich

President Biden’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act earmarks $80 billion over the next ten years for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). According to the Treasury, most of the money will be going toward increased enforcement—specifically, stopping rich Americans from cheating on their taxes. Yet the same agency has strangely signed off on a huge tax loophole […]

The Secret History of a Riot

The 800-page gorilla of a report from the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the Capitol seems strangely silent on a few matters that, apparently, were a bit too uncomfortable for the Committee to take on. So, buckle up for a discomfiting ride with our investigative team that has been tracking […]
The post The Secret History of a Riot first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Remodeled Shipping Containers, Boxcars Could Be Solutions for Expanding Homeless Shelters

Whatever Arizona’s new governor Katie Hobbs does with over 3,000 steel, 40’x8’x8.6,’ four-ton shipping containers — still arriving to wall off Mexico for 10 miles of the San Rafael Valley — is yet to be revealed. Her predecessor, Republican Doug Ducey, in the last months of his regime was ramrodding containers into place on a […]

Bussing Immigrants to Vice President Harris’ Home

Migrants traveling from Texas arrived by bus outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ official residence in Washington, DC. Fox News Migrants traveling from Texas arrived by bus outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ official residence in Washington, DC, on Thursday. Fox News[/caption]Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s Christmas Eve political stunt of sending busloads of desperate immigrants, including women […]