Donald Trump

Trump Splashes Into Nile Dispute to Gain Leverage in Middle East

The Trump administration has weighed in to back Egypt in its long-running dispute with Ethiopia over a crucial hydroelectric dam about to come into operation. Instead of taking a consensual approach to resolve the stand-off, President Trump has ditched a mediator role for the U.S. to become an advocate for Egypt.
In doing so, the White House is running the risk of alienating good relations with African nations. It appears that Trump is willing to trade that African loss for gaining leverage over Arab nations in pursuit of his Middle East ambitions.

It Looks Like Biden or Trump. So What About Foreign Policies?

Now that mega-billionaire Bloomberg has realised the impossibility of being president of the United States, he has put his money behind Democrat and former vice-president Joe Biden who looks likely to be going to-to-toe with Trump for election in November. At first glance, he seems a reasonable enough candidate, as Bernie Sanders, who is now the only realistic Democrat alternative (and a longtime independent), is a self-described “democratic socialist” and the word socialist is anathema to an awful lot of American voters.

SYRIZA’s Betrayal of Greece is a Spectre haunting the Left

‘Super Tuesday’ in the 2020 presidential election season is over and Senator Bernie Sanders’s time as the unlikely frontrunner for the Democratic nomination may have stopped just as quick as it began. Despite an unprecedented smear campaign coordinated by the party leadership and corporate media against him, the self-described “democratic socialist” not only managed to single-handedly de-stigmatize the latter as a dirty word in U.S. politics but at one point seemed like he had improbably overtaken former Vice President Joe Biden as the favorite to be the party nominee.

New Tensions Sparking Between Trump and UN Rights Leader, Michelle Bachelet

Michelle Bachelet, the UN high commissioner for human rights, in Geneva, December 2018. She has released a long-awaited database of companies that are helping Israel to develop Jewish settlements in Palestine-occupied territory. US Secretary of State Pompeo reiterated his “outrage” last week over the report. VIOLAINE MARTIN/UN PHOTO

What If Donald Trump Were Accused Of Colluding With…

Although the ludicrous claim that Donald Trump somehow colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election (and give Hillary Clinton the popular vote) has been thoroughly debunked, the same liars and lunatics are back with essentially the same story attempting to gaslight the American people and the world again.  Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Nick Allen pointed out that in a members only event at the Oxford Union, Christopher Steele said he stood by the integrity of “our work”.

The Fallacy of the Appeal of the Centrist Democrat

I have watched for the past couple months as Bernie Sanders has risen in the polls and then proceeded to do well in the first primary and caucuses as these people have done everything to try and kneecap his success. The amount of negative press about Sanders that has been pumped out by all of the mainstream “liberal” media during this period of time is truly breathtaking.

Peace Begins at Home: Gloria Steinem’s Recipe for a Nonviolent World

Striking on International Women’s Day, 2019 in London. One way to gauge whether a society that has been at war will ever be peaceful is to see how it treats women and girls at home.    
Nearly 700 people, many of them young adults and students, flocked to the United Nations recently to attend an all-day gathering on “War No More.” Who were they eager to see and hear? The global feminist icon Gloria Steinem and Leymah Gbowee, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, who led her fellow countrywomen to help end Liberia’s civil war in 2003.

History Tells Us Which Democratic Nominee Truly Hurts Down Ballot Democrats

“Sanders can’t win the presidency. He’s too far left.” Others opine, “He’ll never get anything through congress. He hasn’t ever accomplished anything.” What is this movement then? How did a ‘nobody’ build the greatest political movement and fundraising machine in the history of the United States? Because his ideas are popular. They have broad appeal. They are just unappealing to the very few who control what goes out on the airwaves and unfortunately influence a wide swath of voters.