
“The Great Taking”: How They Can Own It All

“’You’ll own nothing and be happy’? David Webb has gone through the 50-year history of all the legal constructs that have been put in place to technically enable that to happen.” [Oct 2 interview titled “The Great Taking: Who Really Owns Your Assets?”] The derivatives bubble has been estimated to exceed one quadrillion dollars (a […]

What Will Happen When Banks Go Bust? Bank Runs, Bail-Ins and Systemic Risk

Financial podcasts have been featuring ominous headlines lately along the lines of “Your Bank Can Legally Seize Your Money” and “Banks Can STEAL Your Money?! Here’s How!” The reference is to “bail-ins:” the provision under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act allowing Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs, basically the biggest banks) to bail in or expropriate their […]

Trump Ups Ante, Targets Federal Reserve as Media Defends Bankers

By Mark Anderson
21st Century Wire
President Trump had already said and done enough to unnerve the powers-that-be on various fronts—from hedging on free-trade deals to making bold foreign-policy strides with North Korea and Russia—when he upped the ante even more July 19, speaking out against the Federal Reserve central bank that’s seen by worshipful monopoly capitalists and their media cohorts as being too kingly for presidential criticism.

Regulation Is Killing Community Banks – Public Banks Can Revive Them

Crushing regulations are driving small banks to sell out to the megabanks, a consolidation process that appears to be intentional. Publicly-owned banks can help avoid that trend and keep credit flowing in local economies. At his confirmation hearing in January 2017, Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin said, “regulation is killing community banks.” If the process is […]

5 Stories You Missed While the Media Obsessed Over the Comey Hearing

(ANTIMEDIA) Like clockwork, the mainstream media is fervently focusing on a story filled with scandal and intrigue: James Comey’s testimony. Whether it’s a terror attack in the west, a celebrity tailspin, or a superficial drama like James Comey’s conversations in Congress today, when the media drives an obsessive narrative, there’s usually other events occurring.
“But Russia might have intervened with our democratic process!” some may retort. “Donald Trump is probably a criminal!”

Surprise, Surprise -New Study Finds Money Plays Major Role in Influencing the DNC

Hillary Clinton laughs as Tom Perez endorses her during a campaign stop in Sioux City, Iowa, Dec. 4, 2015. (AP/Nati Harnik)
WASHINGTON, D.C.– Public concern about the influence of money in politics has never been greater. But figuring out exactly how much money is needed to “buy” a congressional vote has been difficult to do.