Steve Israel Dubs #DebtTrapDebbie Wasserman Schultz A "Drama Queen" With Problems Of Her Own Making

Many Democrats are pushing to dump Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the head of the DNC where she has been the author of so much potentially catastrophic party disunity. Hillary dead-enders-- primarily women-first senators like Barbara Mikulski and Kirsten Gillibrand-- have rushed to Wasserman Schultz's defense.

Is There A Better Poster Child For A Culture Of Corruption Than Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

I haven't read a Krugman column for months; I wonder if I ever will again. More recently I gave up on my evening Rachel Maddow ritual. Now when Chris Hayes' show is over, I flip off the TV. It's certainly healthier to eat an hour earlier. I stopped watching Maddow when she ceased being a professional journalist and became part of the Clinton campaign. Journalists are entitled to their preferences, just like anyone else but they shouldn't color their reporting with their own prejudices without announcing those prejudices.

Politico: Less than 1% of the Hillary Victory Fund Benefited State Parties

Cenk Uygur explains what everyone knows but no one like Chris Cuomo can say out loud. "Of course she's corrupt. They're all corrupt because the system is corrupt." (Note: Cenk is way too kind to Cuomo in this clip, who's not that dumb. He's just well paid to appear so.)   by Gaius PubliusAccording to Politico, of the $60 million raised by and for the Hillary Victory Fund, a PAC jointly controlled by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, less than 1% of the money raised ended up benefiting state Democratic parties.Why does this matter?

Wasserman Schultz Works To Sabotage Tim Canova's Campaign, The Same Way She Worked To Sabotage Bernie

Yesterday Ally Boguhn penned a post for RH Reality Check about the efficacy of primaries, focusing in on one of the most important challenges to an incumbent in the nation-- Tim Canova's battle to rid South Florida of the corrupt affront to democracy and the Democratic Party, Debbie Wasserman Schu