Is The Goal To Fight Trump Or Is It To Fight Evil?

There were always people who made the argument that the Hillary wing wasn't stealing every single primary battle, that there were some decisions that were legitimate. I didn't discount that and there may well have been a few primaries she actually won fair and square-- like in the South. But it was the whole process that was corrupted from start to finish and that makes her-- in my mind at least-- and illegitimate nominee.

WikiLeaks Just Revealed Mainstream Media Works Directly With Hillary, DNC

(ANTIMEDIA) Wikileaks’ Friday leak of nearly 20,000 Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails reveals many nefarious activities. In light of new evidence the DNC intentionally sabotaged Bernie Sanders while DNC staffers mocked him, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party continue to be hit with embarrassing revelations.

Sanders Supporters Vindicated: Proof DNC Used Media to Rig Election for Hillary

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — While Bernie Sanders’ supporters and independent media outlets have exhaustively pointed out that corporate media’s fatuous prattling over Hillary Clinton likely tipped the elections in her favor, we now have solid proof — leaked emails show the DNC colluded with mainstream outlets to heavily favor Clinton.

Top Dems Are Plotting to Oust Sanders and Convince His Followers to Vote Hillary

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — In an election already fraught with controversy akin to a political soap opera, a report on Friday revealed top Democrats have begun plotting ways to force Sen. Bernie Sanders to exit the race without offending his loyal fandom to somehow align Democratic voters behind Hillary Clinton.