With DNC Leaks, Former ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Is Now True––and No Big Deal

By Adam Johnson | FAIR | July 24, 2016 For months, Bernie Sanders supporters and surrogates have complained about unfair treatment from the Democratic National Committee—only to have these concerns dismissed by media observers as petulance and conspiracy-mongering: Mediaite: Bernie Sanders Fans’ DNC ‘Collusion’ Conspiracy Theory Is Embarrassing Garbage LA Times: ‘Hillary Clinton Is Not […]

Whether Or Not Russians Hacked DNC Means Nothing Concerning How Newsworthy The Details Are

By Mike Masnick | TechDirt | July 25, 2016 As you almost certainly know by now, on Friday Wikileaks released a bunch of hacked DNC emails just before the Democratic Presidential convention kicked off. While Wikileaks hasn’t quite said where it got the emails, speculation among many quickly pointed to Russian state sponsored hackers. That’s […]

Clinton, Wasserman Schultz and the Wheezing Corpse of the Democratic Process Revealed

Ted Cruz has more balls than Bernie Sanders By Peter Van Buren | We Meant Well | July 25, 2016 Wikileaks over the last few days dumped tens of thousands of emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) server. The disclosures of dirty tricks directed against Bernie Sanders contained in those emails are startling, […]

LIONEL PODCAST: A Corrupt and Vile Candidate, DNC Leaks Focus Doom, Let’s Blame Russia, Debbie’s Sick Betrayal, Millennials Double Crossed by Bernie, Bankrupt Policies and Distracted Vision

It’s mind boggling the treachery and perfidy that’s now become a bloodsport. Behold the uncut version of “Debbie Does DNC” – well, was supposed to. Thrown under the bus, tossed aside and sacrificed. Yanked from her platform but repackaged as an HRC higher-up. Blatant and hiding in plain sight. Simply amazing. Media apparatchiks double down on pro-HDR defense and excuses. Memes and tropes, images and flashbacks. Keep the folks confused. Prestidigitation and political sleight of hand. Watch the jiggling keys, crying baby. Just watch Queen Hillary.

Predictably, Wasserman Schultz Ruined The First Day Of Hillary's Convention-- How Much Damage Will She Do?

The Trumpist catastrophe in Cleveland last week tee-ed up the perfect beginning for a united Democratic Party convention in Philly today. But the "United Together" theme some marketing consultant got paid so much to come up with, turned into "United Apart," complements of Debbie the Destroyer. And instead, the first images on national television were of Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz being boo-ed off the stage at a Florida delegates meeting. And people wondering about Clinton's leadership abilities...

The 5 Words I Want To Hear Bernie Sanders Say Tonight

(ANTIMEDIAOp-ed – I never thought I’d say this, but I’m hoping Bernie Sanders has a little bit of Ted Cruz in him. Let me state, firstly, that I despise Ted Cruz’s policies. Having said that, I admire one quality he possesses: the courage to stand up in front of thousands of screaming Trump followers and say, “Actually, you know what? F*** you.”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Finally Resigned Today-- She Is NOT America And She Is NOT The Democratic Party-- Both Of Which Are Worth Fighting For

Many people are celebrating that Wasserman Schultz was finally given the heave-ho as DNC chair a few minutes ago, but that doesn't mean the job is done. She was causing great harm to Democratic Party values long before she was elevated to that post and unless she's thrown out of Congress by Broward and Miami-Dade Democratic voters on August 30, she will continue doing exactly that into the foreseeable future.