Is This Finally The End Of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Malevolent Career In Politics?

Not high profile anymore-- at least not on TVBefore they changed the locks at the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz was allowed in the building to address the staff she had hired and who helped her rig the primaries for Bernie (and use the DNC resources, illegally, for her own re-election efforts in South Florida). Many of them will soon be looking for new jobs.

Leaked DNC Voicemails Show Money Buying Access

(COMMONDREAMSJust before President Barack Obama delivered his speech to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night, new reporting on the so-called “DNC Leak” by WikiLeaks unearthed a large batch of voicemails contained in the files which give additional texture to a scandal that has loomed large at this week’s event in Philadelphia.

Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Prove They’re More Principled Than He Is

(ANTIMEDIA) In a radical show of principle, Bernie Sanders delegates booed the former presidential nominee when he told them to vote for Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National convention in Philadelphia Monday evening — and their protests have continued throughout the event.
“We have got to defeat Donald Trump,” he said to a smattering of cheers Monday evening.