LIONEL PODCAST: America Doomed — Postprandial Review of the Controlled Demolition of Mainstream Media
It’s really that simple. And you can help. Just listen. And learn.
It’s really that simple. And you can help. Just listen. And learn.
CIA Document 1035-960
Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report
RE: Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report
The Key key. Note with particularity that you’re not the first to marvel at the structured prevarication called the election process.
By Renee Parsons | CounterPunch | November 18, 2016 For most long time exiles from the Democratic Party, the post election liberal meltdown as a result of HRC’s historic, unexpected loss continues to gratify as photos of White House staff in tears do little to stir sympathy. But unexpected? Only in the eyes of Democratic […]
Cowboy up! Imagine that being the rallying cry of a disgusted and fed up America. Herein is the latest disquisition and indictment against and anent the aforementioned. Enjoy.
21stCenturyWire has been identified at the top of a “list” of “fake” news sites as a psy op to create an algorithm for “filtering.” I take that to heart, since I write for 21 Wire. Facebook, Google and other DNC partners have listed numerous right wing sites as well as satire sites – and OURS! as “fake.” Of course, the real reason for this is explained in my video – outlining the absurdity of the most astounding liars on the planet – the MSM – calling us “fake.” Ultimately, this is an attack on all independent media.
Hillary and the DNC are still in denial.
They never even gave the man a chance. And meanwhile the Trump angst and insanity prevails with he added twist of calling for his removal, censure, indictment and/or impeachment for reasons I’ve yet to fathom. Simply and utterly amazing.
The blame game has turned into a national sport.
For the despondent Democratic shills doing postmortems on the Clinton campaign, looking back on the big picture, assessing the damage and reflecting anew on how Trump became politically prominent in the first place, there are few sins greater than the president-elect’s original sin of questioning Obama’s “legitimacy” through his leadership of the “birther movement.”