Questions for the Electors on Russian Hacking
By Andrew Cockburn | CounterPunch | December 14, 2016 It is being reported that John Podesta, Chairman of the defeated $1.2 billion Clinton presidential campaign, is supporting the call by various officials, including at least forty Electors, that the members of the Electoral College be given a classified intelligence briefing on the alleged Russian hacking […]
New York Times undermines its own case Russia was behind Clinton leaks
By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | December 15, 2016 The New York Times has published a lengthy article setting out what it says is the “evidence” that Russia was behind the leaks of the DNC and Podesta leaks by Wikileaks. The article reveals nothing that is really new, but a number of points did […]
"These Are Fake Parties" — Or, Here’s Who Gets to Vote for DNC Chair
How the Democratic Party still decides its leaders (click to enlarge)by Gaius PubliusIn most of the developed world, the leaders of a political party are elected by the voters in that party, not party insiders. For example, in the U.K. in 2015, Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party — not Prime Minister, party leader — with 59% of the vote.
LIONEL PODCAST: Donald Trump Will Be A Great President With Obama Pathetically Ineffectual
Verity. Donald Trump will likely be one of the greatest Presidents of our republic. And Obama one of the most ineffectual. Meanwhile, Hillary apologists are trying to reconfigure the logic anent Trump’s appointees. They’ve nothing to say since abandoning the Russian hack bit.
Hypocrisy Behind the Russian-Election Frenzy
By Robert Parry | Consortium News | December 13, 2016 As Democrats, the Obama administration and some neocon Republicans slide deeper into conspiracy theories about how Russia somehow handed the presidency to Donald Trump, they are behaving as they accused Trump of planning to behave if he had lost, questioning the legitimacy of the electoral […]
Democratic Losers and their Media Backers Seek a Scapegoat for Their Own Disaster
The fake campaign to blame ‘the Russians’ By Dave Lindorff | This Can’t Be Happening! | December 11, 2016 The New York Times and Washington Post, the nation’s two top national newspapers, have been breathlessly reporting of late, with little sign of any appropriate journalistic skepticism, on a purported massive and successful Russian conspiracy to […]
Facebook Suppresses Truth
By Craig Murray | December 11, 2016 So far 564 people believe they have shared on Facebook my article conclusively refuting the CIA’s invention of lies about Russia hacking the DNC, using the share button on this site. Another 78 have tried to share it from my Facebook page. The total amount of incoming traffic […]
LIONEL PODCAST: Free Speech Under Attack: Deep State Promotes Fake News and False Flag Putin Election Hacking Myths
Prolegomenon. Let us begin with an immutable fact of human behavior, specifically contemporary American behavior. Americans simply hate the truth. The troublesome truth, the uncomfortable and (dare I remind you) the inconvenient truth. Truth that bristles and frightens and awakens and piques. Truth that confronts us with the lie of contemporary fable masked as history. History, as Tolstoy reminds us, would be a wonderful thing if only it were true. Truth would be a wonderful thing if only it were pleasant.
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