Trump: Meeting with intel officials ‘constructive,’ hacking had ‘absolutely no effect’ on election

RT | January 6, 2017 Hacking “had absolutely no effect” on the outcome of the 2016 US presidential elections, President-elect Donald Trump has announced following a meeting with intelligence officials. Having described his meeting with top representatives of the US intelligence community as “constructive,” Trump said on Friday that no cyber hacking from Russia, China […]

LIONEL PODCAST: The Myth of the Russian Hack | Media Echo Chamber Pavlovian Obeisance

They were the voice of a generation.
Imagine what that must feel like. Hillary forced to watch yet another inauguration she was promised by the Gods. It must be horrible though I can’t exactly sympathize. The thought of her being at the helm is more than a tender mind can handle. Look at what’s been said anent the imaginary and illusive Russian hack. The constant refrain of contamination and attack without so much as a shred and ort of evidence. Details, details, m’boy. Enjoy. Or not. It’s your call. 

FBI Didn’t Examine DNC Servers, Russia Wrongfully Accused of Hacking

By Stephen Lendman | January 5, 2017 Accusing Russia of US election hacking is a malicious Big Lie. It’s a clear attempt to delegitimize Trump’s election. It aims undermine him before taking office, along with provocatively pushing for confrontation between the world’s dominant nuclear powers – utter madness, but that’s the mindset of neocon lunatics […]

Julian Assange says Wikileaks DNC emails source is NOT Russia (VIDEO)

In an extensive interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News, Julian Assange said unequivocally that the Wikileaks source for the DNC email leaks was not Russia nor a state actor. In keeping with the Wikileaks tradition of never disclosing a specific source, Assange refused to elaborate further.  Others, however, including former British diplomat Craig Murray, have said that the source was someone in the United States with easy access to the leaked information.