White and Guilty of the Crime of History?

…if you sit around and wait for the one who is in power to make up his mind that he should end it, you’ll be waiting a long time. And in my opinion the young generation of whites, blacks, browns, and whatever else there is, your are living in a time when there has to be a change…a better world needs to be built…And I will join in with anyone, I don’t what color he is, as long as he wants to change the miserable condition that exists on this earth.

Scientists Develop ‘GMO Painkillers’ Using Rat DNA, Yeast

Are you in enough pain to swallow this pill? Stanford scientists have developed a new way of creating painkiller components like hydrocodone by injecting 23 different engineered genes from plants, bacteria, and rats into yeast.
The result is the beginning of the journey towards ‘GMO painkillers,’ and another entrance into the world of genetically modified pharmaceuticals. A world that far expands beyond the tinkering of Monsanto’s GMOs. The ‘advancement’ places into perspective the depths to which the booming industry of DNA alteration will take us.

​Should You Get Excited About a Toothbrush that Can Alert You to Disease?

Would you like to have your tooth brush warn you that you’re about to come down with a disease such as Alzheimer’s or cancer? Technologists have created tiny microchips known as nanopore sequencers that can analyze human DNA strands as they pass through a tiny hole thinner than a human hair on a microchip, and are decoded into a digital reading.

Survey: 68% of Doctors Think GMOs Should be Labeled

Most Americans aren’t waiting for doctors to support GMO labeling. We have been very clear; we want GMO labeling now, and we are even willing to go to court for it. Now, mirroring what millions of Americans have voiced over the past years, a leading network of doctor’s has voted on GMO labeling, and they overwhelmingly support it.