Dispatches from Project Censored: On Media and Politics

From Russiagate with Love: Corporate Media Spin and Revisionist Reporting on Russia’s Alleged Meddling in the 2016 Election Continue

By Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff A January 2023 publication from the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) spawned the latest round of spin and shifting baselines from Russiagate apologists. Russiagate refers to the claims that Russia meddled in and influenced the outcome of the U.S. election in 2016, had direct connections…

Beyond Prior Restraint: Censorship by Proxy and the New Digital Gatekeeping

Project Censored is pleased to publish the first long-form article in our “Dispatches from Project Censored: On Media and Politics” column. Authored by Andy Lee Roth, avram anderson, and Mickey Huff, the piece draws heavily from a chapter they contributed to the forthcoming book, Censorship, Digital Media, and the Global…

STFU about ChatGPT:

By Nolan Higdon and Allison Butler ChatGPT has sent shockwaves through higher education, creating a moral panic about the threat that artificial intelligence (AI) poses to the classroom. As critical media literacy scholars, we are not panicking, and we do not think any educator should. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is…
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The Professional Managerial Class Strikes Back!

By Nolan Higdon The increasing shift to remote work in higher education has threatened the power and influence of the professional managerial class (PMC). In response, the PMC are throwing everything at the wall from baseless claims about work productivity to coercive policies to cement their power over faculty. Coined…
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Promoting Falsehoods, Marginalizing Truth-Tellers

By Nolan Higdon and Mickey Huff The Washington Post’s coverage of a January 2023 study arguing that the post-2016 coverage of Russia election meddling may have been overblown, reveals a corrosive trend in legacy news media where the personalities and outlets that perpetuate inaccurate or false news are rewarded, and…
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FERPA and Higher Ed Should Prioritize the Safety of Students’ Private Data

By Mischa Geracoulis Around the time of Richard Nixon’s presidency—a low point for public trust in government—families of K–12 students and adult college students raised concerns regarding the volume of sensitive, personally identifiable student information that schools, colleges, and universities were collecting and storing. Fifty years on, educational institutions still…

Hunting the Twitter Files

By Nolan Higdon More than two years since Big Tech made the historic decision to limit access to the New York Post’s story about President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, users are getting a glimpse into how Twitter came to that decision. However, delusional legacy and social media outlets are doing everything…
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Electoral Denialism Cuts Across Party Lines: Despite What the Corporate Media Would Have Us Believe, Both Parties Engage in the ‘Big Lie,’ and the Rest of Lose Because of It

Speaking to the January 6th Committee on September 29, 2022, Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, stood by her contention that the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen. Thomas and others who doubt the legitimacy of the election results have been convinced to believe “the big lie.”…

What if Journalism Disappeared?

By Andy Lee Roth and Mickey Huff In 1995, early in the development of the global internet, sociologist Michael Schudson imagined how people might process information if journalism were to suddenly disappear. An expert on the history of US news media, Schudson speculated that peoples’ need to identify the day’s…
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The Military Industrial Complex Wants You To Be More Media (l)literate!

By Nolan Higdon A September 2022 report from Tessa Jolls, president of the Center for Media Literacy, titled “Building Resiliency: Media Literacy as a Strategic Defense Strategy for the Transatlantic,” read like a blueprint for how to indoctrinate students in corporatism and militarism under the auspices of  media literacy education.…