Dispatches from Project Censored: On Media and Politics

Exposing International News Neglect, Censorship, and Agenda Cutting

The Top 5 Most Important but Under-Reported News Stories of 2022-2023, as Selected by an International Jury A Joint Endeavor of the News Enlightenment Initiative and Project Censored June 19, 2023 Disinformation is global in scope and the influence of information networks crosses international boundaries. Therefore, the fight against censorship…

Texas Book Ban Bills Set a Dangerous Precedent for the Narratives of Young People in Education

By Cameron Samuels | Special Guest Writer for Project Censored’s Dispatches on Media and Politics Amid an unprecedented wave of censorship, many of our state legislators have left no mercy for LGBTQ+ Texans. Censorious legislation like House Bill 900 and Senate Bill 13 attempt to relate queer identity with sexual…

The End of Community College?

By Adam Bessie, Author of Going Remote: A Teacher’s Journey (with Peter Glanting, The Censored Press/Seven Stories Press). On Friday, March 13, 2020 the community college system as we knew it ended – and I’m not sure it will ever return.    And just maybe, that’s a good thing. The day…
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“Journalism is Not a Crime”

By Mickey Huff May 3rd marks the 30th anniversary of Press Freedom Day, inaugurated in 1993 by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) with support from the United Nations (UNESCO). RSF’s original 1991 report provided a “round-up of journalists killed throughout the world” and laid the groundwork for what eventually became the…
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Not Shooting Straight: Corporate Media Gives Mass Shootings Blanket Coverage, While Missing Community-Level Gun Violence

Special thanks to Project Censored’s Summer 2022 intern Sam Peacock for helping with data collection and analysis. Corporate news coverage of US gun violence skews heavily toward mass shootings. The establishment press almost never reports on community-level gun violence, defined by Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions as incidents…

The Lifeblood of Democracy

By Andy Lee Roth Two cornerstones of democracy—freedom of expression and freedom of information—are under concerted attack, in the United States and around the world. In the US,  for example, reactionary elected officials seek to ban books in schools, often in the name of protecting children; and government agencies, including…
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No Turning Back

By Nolan Higdon NOTE: The following article is another installment in our long-form Dispatches series. It is a detailed examination of establishment media coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic. It critiques the missteps, censorship, and establishment propaganda that often passed for real investigative journalism during a crisis when the American public…
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How The New York Times Sat on a Story Daniel Ellsberg Gave Them

By Kevin Gosztola In 2021, Pentagon Papers’ whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg shared a copy of a top-secret study with New York Times reporter Charlie Savage on the Taiwan Strait crisis of 1958. It was presented by the newspaper as “another unauthorized disclosure” by the “famed source.” The study from 1966 showed…
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Journalistic Malpractice on Trial: What the Dominion Voting System Tells Us About How the Media Sacrificed their Credibility to Partisan Falsehoods

By Nolan Higdon “This is direct evidence of knowing falsity” exclaimed RonNell Anderson Jones, Professor of Law at the University of Utah, in a February 2023 interview with Jon Stewart. Jones noted that in most defamation cases “the likelihood that you will find evidence of them [news outlets] saying, ‘We…

Is Your Teacher Spying on You?

ATTN: TEENS—Stop Your Teacher (and Silicon Valley) from Spying on You In this bonus “Dispatches from Project Censored,” Allison Butler and Nolan Higdon, two of the most acclaimed media literacy educators working today, offer no-nonsense tips for teens to protect themselves against surveillance. As technology floods into the classroom, teens often fall prey to invisible…
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